Today I worked at the district track meet here in Auburn. It wasn't too bad, but standing for four hours was a little more tiring than I thought. I worked the long and triple jump. Not too bad, considering. I'm just really glad that I didn't get yelled at by any coaches. I was really actually nervous that that would happen. Fortunately, I think I looked stupid enough out there that they realized it would be pointless to try to stop and talk to me about anything of consequence.
I saw you called yesterday. I don't know what I was doing at that time. Probably working out. I'm totally into Turbo Jam lately. If you don't recognize the name, I'm sure you'll recognize this:

Yes, indeedy, you have probably seen the info-mercial. Contrary to popular belief, this one ain't lyin'! At least I think so.
Tonight I am going to the movie 17 Again. I know, I know, what am I thinking? Here's what I'm thinking. Zac Efron is a cutie pie. There's no doubt about it. Also, free movies are part of my lease. Ya damn right, dame! Free.
So, I thought I'd check it out as well as enjoy a popcorn and maybe a soft drink-type beverage. The seats at our theater have springs that kind of like to pop out in extreme places, but I have a fondness for it. Kind of art deco meets cinema paradiso meets redneck-ville, USA. How moving, don't you think?
Well, I had better get going. Got to beautify myself (aka put shoes on) for the movie!
Love ya like a popsicle after the swimming pool,
Dav. Dame