Thursday, May 7, 2009


Lurve the davenport photo.  Thanks for changing that thing that was incredibly outdated!  If you noticed, I changed a few things myself.  I knew it would only be a matter of time before you were back.  

I am home sick today.  Not sick enough to stop me from trying to clean my entire a
partment, though.  I'm not even close to being done, but I thought I had better stop.

So today's movie was The Grocer's Son.  I would tell you more about the actors if I hadn't already taken it back.  It was a French film and was very nice, indeed.  Not to mention the fact that the lead was dashingly handsome.  His name being Antoine was the icing on the cake.  I have suddenly become a fan of that name.  

Anyway, the movie was about a twenty-something guy named Antoine whose father suddenly suffers a stroke.  It is obvious in the beginning that Antoine is not particularly nice or close to anyone in his family.  We do find out that he has a hospitable neighbor named Claire who he likes but can't seem to ask out.  

Eventually, he convinces Claire to join him in his hometown where he is helping his mom out at the family grocery store.  He drives a van full of dry goods to deliver to the elderly folks in the country.  It turns out they don't like him too much.  It is up to Claire to soften him up and bring out his generous side.  As the film goes on, we find out a bit more about the family dynamics and a possible romance between Claire and Antoine.  V. good.  I really enjoyed it.  

Well, best get back to the cleaning rituals.  Glad you have you back!

Davenport Dame

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