I tried calling you the other night because I was in your neck of the woods. Really. I went over to Logan's to meet Amber and him for the evening. Where were you? I looked and thought that, perhaps you had already left. This made me sad.
So, I'm home. I'm back. I live here now. I am so happy. I think I'm going to work at Scoot's to earn my keep. Starting soon- and while I sub. What do you think?
Call me please so we can get together. I do miss you too much.
Much love,
Sunday, December 23, 2007
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
What I'm doing is trying to pack. It is not going well. Basically I stop every 10 minutes to write and e-mail or something. I haven't really completed any tasks--and it seems like every box I begin to fill holds ALMOST everything I need to put in it, but not quite everything. You know what that means! One large box with a bunch of crap in it--all mixed up. Not good.
Tomorrow you will be back here! I can't believe it! I'm excited to see you--whenever that time will come. In the meantime I'll continue working and packing (or not packing).
Tomorrow you will be back here! I can't believe it! I'm excited to see you--whenever that time will come. In the meantime I'll continue working and packing (or not packing).
Saturday, December 15, 2007
By The Way....
Dame. I'm completely disappointed in the both of us. Who are we to think that skipping out on Novemeber all together, with the exception of one post- by YOU, is acceptable? It most certainly is NOT! I'm far more to blame than you, my dear, as I did not post even once during that month. Shame on me. And shame on you for not getting on my case.
Here we go. Let's try to TRIPPLE last month's posts by the end of December. We can!
Here we go. Let's try to TRIPPLE last month's posts by the end of December. We can!
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
I'll be Home for Christmas
Hi Dame. It's snowing like mad here. Schools are cancelled throughout the entire city. We're locked up with sheets of white blanketing the earth and roads. Cars have turned into snowballs and tiny pellets of ice tick, tick, tick on my window pane. On these days, we are forced to slow down; to stop and stay inside. (unless, of course, you are a working professional in an occupation where snow doesn't carry any weight, like my man's job- those people must contine to kick-it no matter what)
In any case, I'm home. I'm warm and I'm reading and making scarves all day while watching the food network. What a day!
How are you? How is your semester wrapping up? I'm counting down the days....9.
Call me soon. I miss you too much.
In any case, I'm home. I'm warm and I'm reading and making scarves all day while watching the food network. What a day!
How are you? How is your semester wrapping up? I'm counting down the days....9.
Call me soon. I miss you too much.
Friday, November 2, 2007
Fall just isn't fall without you. Went to Jones Coffee this morning for some hot chocolate and a muffin. It was nice. I went there the first time with you. That was a good day. Then we went to Judy's nails where we got a nice mani-pedi. Sounds good right now. I have work in a bit, but I think a nice nap is in order. I think that I've decided I want to be a baker. I'll just come in to work nice and early-- make a few cakes and cookies and muffins, then off at 12, in time for lunch and enough time to read a book and relax. Yeah. I want to be a baker for some coffee shop or something where no one knows if your stuff is good or not. Although my stuff will be good. Do you want to open the shop and I'll be your baker? Sounds good. Hope school is going well. I think today is your last day at your first school. Enjoy it.
Dav. Dame
Dav. Dame
Friday, October 26, 2007
I'm still looking for a job this spring. Know anyone who's hiring for teaching positions? There's got to be someone! I need to fix up my resume. Mine is no good- I have the info, but the layout is bo-RING. No one will pull it out of a pile of 398 and decide mine is the one they want to look at. no way.
I don't have school today or yesterday- teachers' convention. I went yesterday and picked up many new pens and free things like that. Ah the joys of being a teacher!
I do hope you're well. I miss you so much. Lets chat soon.....
love you,
I don't have school today or yesterday- teachers' convention. I went yesterday and picked up many new pens and free things like that. Ah the joys of being a teacher!
I do hope you're well. I miss you so much. Lets chat soon.....
love you,
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Love the pictures, lady. I can imagine the tears that were a-flowin' after Nate left. I hope that you are comforted somehow. You're almost done, though! Soon you'll be back! It's gone so quickly! I am happy you aren't staying there forever. I miss you! Ooohhh, we need to go to coffee soon. And yes, the Haymarket is an enchanting place to be on a fall morning. Just this morning I went to Crescent Moon to get some of my fave hot chocolate. Like you said, everyone should be able to invest in the drink of their choice--and enjoy it on a regular basis. I concure whole-heartidly!
Best go. I need to clean up the house. Or not. haha.
Double D.
Best go. I need to clean up the house. Or not. haha.
Double D.
Monday, October 22, 2007
understand that it's all understood
Hi Dame. Here are a few pics for you....
here's a collage of our photos from the weekend.....
guess who.... :)
Here we are by lake michigan....we coaxed a seagull into taking this for us...
It was such a great weekend, Leslie. I cried and cried after he left. I can't even tell you how badly I wanted to get on that plane with him. I miss home terribly. I want to be there for the pre-Christmas season. I want to sit in Scooters downtown and watch the fall rain turn the roads icy and black- i want to see the streetlamps lighting up areas of the haymarket with their orangy glow....
here's a collage of our photos from the weekend.....

Sittin' on top of the cosmetic counter?
Hey girl,
Sounds like the weekend with Nate was going quite well. Man,oh, man it has been a long time since we've talked. I've been a busy beaver. Are you serious that there are only 3 more weeks of school for you?? That's crazy. My practicum is giving me anxiety. I have fall break this week, so that's good, but yes. Anxiety. Not excited about it, really.
It is cool and blustery here. Yesterday I went out to Pawnee Lake and went hiking around. I hope I can do that again sometime soon. It was really pretty and nice. This weekend the parents are coming to town to go to Hairspray!!! Hurrah! I'm excited. Should be a good show and a good time with the parentals.
Tell me more. When are you actually coming home? Yessssss.
Sounds like the weekend with Nate was going quite well. Man,oh, man it has been a long time since we've talked. I've been a busy beaver. Are you serious that there are only 3 more weeks of school for you?? That's crazy. My practicum is giving me anxiety. I have fall break this week, so that's good, but yes. Anxiety. Not excited about it, really.
It is cool and blustery here. Yesterday I went out to Pawnee Lake and went hiking around. I hope I can do that again sometime soon. It was really pretty and nice. This weekend the parents are coming to town to go to Hairspray!!! Hurrah! I'm excited. Should be a good show and a good time with the parentals.
Tell me more. When are you actually coming home? Yessssss.
Saturday, October 20, 2007
the top of the world
I feel like I'm there right now. Nate's here this weekend and I'm happy as a clam. (is that what they say?) Life is just....better. There's no question, Dame. It's better with him.
We're into my favorite part of year- and there will be pumpkin carving this afternoon, which will be quite fun, I'm sure. How are you? What's happening in your life? I feel like I haven't talked to you forever. School is good- I only have 3 weeks left at the school I'm in....actually 2 1/2 because we don't have school next Thursday and Friday. So....I'm moving right along. Before you know it, I'll be packed and cruising south and west.....ready for my hug from you.
I think I broke my pinkie in August. I crushed it in a really heavy door at the surgery center in N-town....and it hasn't bent the same since. .....just thought you should know.
Miss you lots, love. Take care.
We're into my favorite part of year- and there will be pumpkin carving this afternoon, which will be quite fun, I'm sure. How are you? What's happening in your life? I feel like I haven't talked to you forever. School is good- I only have 3 weeks left at the school I'm in....actually 2 1/2 because we don't have school next Thursday and Friday. So....I'm moving right along. Before you know it, I'll be packed and cruising south and west.....ready for my hug from you.
I think I broke my pinkie in August. I crushed it in a really heavy door at the surgery center in N-town....and it hasn't bent the same since. .....just thought you should know.
Miss you lots, love. Take care.
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Woof. What a weekend. I have been working up a storm. I am tired and I feel sick and I have a headache. I just want to catch up with things, you know??! I miss you a ton! How was the baby shower? It sucks that I couldn't see you and Mart, but I saw her the weekend before. She and Amber were are Russ' getting stuff for dinner and they invited me but Laura was here for her B-day so I couldn't hang with them! Sad. If you were here you could come to my "What's Great About Me" event at Estee Lauder. You could get some free samples as well as a free makeover. Hurrah!
I miss you and I'm sorry I haven't posted in forevaaaaaaa. I love you,
I miss you and I'm sorry I haven't posted in forevaaaaaaa. I love you,
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Here I am....next to Lake Michigan....on a windy fall day. LOVING this season.
You can come visit any time you'd like.....you know that, don't you? I hope so, and I'd love to show you around and give you a taste of what my life is like here. Maybe you and Meg could come up for a weekend....we could hit the shoreline, go downtown, find some fabulous coffee shops......
I have a secret thought. What if Meg could write here too? Or maybe it's just for us, in which case, .....awesome. Either way...just a thought. :)
Thanks so much for the card. Love it. I'll be sure to give you some big ups next time I think of it. :) more to come my dear friend. I love you.

I have a secret thought. What if Meg could write here too? Or maybe it's just for us, in which case, .....awesome. Either way...just a thought. :)
Thanks so much for the card. Love it. I'll be sure to give you some big ups next time I think of it. :) more to come my dear friend. I love you.
Do tell.
OMG. I want to come hang out with you. In fact, I might just do the same thing that you are doing. Sit my booty down in front of the tv before anyone else can get to it. I took a "mental health" day today. I freakin' needed it! I don't know what I'm going to do with the rest of my day, but I'm going to love it. I just bought Jimmy Stewart stamps. That was fun. I sent a package to Ben and it cost $25. Wow. That's a lot. I hope it gets there. I chose the crappiest most cheap way to send it, but sometimes that gets there the best.
How is Nate? How is the fam? Who is the girl in your profile picture on facebook? I'm going to get something bangin' for Martha's twins. Bangin'. I learned that from a woman at work. She is 45. Nice. Call me sometime if you have time. If I don't answer, I'm probably at one of my 30 prior obligations. Barf. Talk to you soon!
How is Nate? How is the fam? Who is the girl in your profile picture on facebook? I'm going to get something bangin' for Martha's twins. Bangin'. I learned that from a woman at work. She is 45. Nice. Call me sometime if you have time. If I don't answer, I'm probably at one of my 30 prior obligations. Barf. Talk to you soon!
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Speaking of big bras, I need to buy Marth a baby gift for the shower in a couple of weeks. I could tell you what I said to her....but there are some people who read this that just don't need to know, I'm sure. I'll save that for a phone call.
Today my principal announced that she is taking a different position with the district. distributing grant money across the area- which will be an amazing job for her. She's really made a difference in this school I'm at...and the teachers were beside themselves. So....it'll be interesting to see what happens. The main reason I even considered taking a position there if it were offered was because she is amazing. Otherwise, I miss home too much. I want to come back!!!
I'm going to pick up season 3 of Grey's tonight.....what a treat. Grey's and a bag of dark-chocolate peanut M&M's from my dear, sweet man.....what a wonderful evening. I do have to do some work for school....so I might save it for this weekend...
Hope you get things ironed out at school. Bummer.....but the new guy should be cool.
I miss you.
Today my principal announced that she is taking a different position with the district. distributing grant money across the area- which will be an amazing job for her. She's really made a difference in this school I'm at...and the teachers were beside themselves. So....it'll be interesting to see what happens. The main reason I even considered taking a position there if it were offered was because she is amazing. Otherwise, I miss home too much. I want to come back!!!
I'm going to pick up season 3 of Grey's tonight.....what a treat. Grey's and a bag of dark-chocolate peanut M&M's from my dear, sweet man.....what a wonderful evening. I do have to do some work for school....so I might save it for this weekend...
Hope you get things ironed out at school. Bummer.....but the new guy should be cool.
I miss you.
I swear I posted one time in there. It must not have been "published." Lame. Just for everyone's information, I do not wear a double d sized bra, but sometimes it feels like I do. Martha, you probably actually do wear one right now. How does it feel, girl?
My practicum is going okay, but I'm going to have a run-in with the confrontation police soon. I am switching teachers. Whoops. That stinks. I'm really scared to talk to my current teacher about it. I'm sure she'll understand, but I still don't want to do it. She was nice enough to accept me, I should at least carry out my commitment. I'm really excited about the other teacher, though. He teaches Holocaust Literature, which is heavy stuff, but I am quite interested. We'll see what happens there. I also might get to chaperone the class trip to Washington DC to visit the Holocause museum!! Wow.
In other news, I am quite busy at Von Maur. Tomorrow is going to be a helluva day because I have to do practicum and then go to work for 9 hours. Oh great. Well, best sign off and get some things done. I have to babysit in an hour. Talk to you later.
Davenport Dame
I swear I posted one time in there. It must not have been "published." Lame. Just for everyone's information, I do not wear a double d sized bra, but sometimes it feels like I do. Martha, you probably actually do wear one right now. How does it feel, girl?
My practicum is going okay, but I'm going to have a run-in with the confrontation police soon. I am switching teachers. Whoops. That stinks. I'm really scared to talk to my current teacher about it. I'm sure she'll understand, but I still don't want to do it. She was nice enough to accept me, I should at least carry out my commitment. I'm really excited about the other teacher, though. He teaches Holocaust Literature, which is heavy stuff, but I am quite interested. We'll see what happens there. I also might get to chaperone the class trip to Washington DC to visit the Holocause museum!! Wow.
In other news, I am quite busy at Von Maur. Tomorrow is going to be a helluva day because I have to do practicum and then go to work for 9 hours. Oh great. Well, best sign off and get some things done. I have to babysit in an hour. Talk to you later.
Davenport Dame
Saturday, September 8, 2007
"Nebraska back up 3 at Wake Forrest"....
That's right, I'm watching football. Ha! 3rd quarter, we're up by 3.
You know, I think it's just great that Martha reads our blog. She may be the only one besides you and Me, Dame. Thanks for your support, Marth. DD, I hope you've heard about martha's boys....plural. TWO of them. We're very excited *(as if I'm part of the process- which I absolutly was NOT).
In other news, Martha, the title "huge bra" was only posted because Dame, that is, Davenport Dame, calls herself DD, which is also a size. That is what that meant. Glad to clear it up.
I guess I don't have a lot to say today.....Dame, I need you to post again. I know you're busy, but I want to know how things are going in your classroom. Practicums, again for Martha, are "practice teaching" before student teaching. Ususally in the education program, you have about 2 a year, maybe more. You go into a school for a certain amount of time each day- couple of hours or so. Sometimes they let you teach things, otherwise you kind of help students and observe teachers.
I'm leaving you with this image of me waiting for you to write back.......hope you are getting ready to post. :)
You know, I think it's just great that Martha reads our blog. She may be the only one besides you and Me, Dame. Thanks for your support, Marth. DD, I hope you've heard about martha's boys....plural. TWO of them. We're very excited *(as if I'm part of the process- which I absolutly was NOT).
In other news, Martha, the title "huge bra" was only posted because Dame, that is, Davenport Dame, calls herself DD, which is also a size. That is what that meant. Glad to clear it up.
I guess I don't have a lot to say today.....Dame, I need you to post again. I know you're busy, but I want to know how things are going in your classroom. Practicums, again for Martha, are "practice teaching" before student teaching. Ususally in the education program, you have about 2 a year, maybe more. You go into a school for a certain amount of time each day- couple of hours or so. Sometimes they let you teach things, otherwise you kind of help students and observe teachers.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007
big bra
Double D-
I'm having lots of time to write as I have no friends here. :) Just kidding. Well, actually, I'm not. I've had lots of alone time...which is good and bad. It's giving me a lot of time to prepare to be a great teacher. I'm getting a good start on my portfolio, and I'm having lots of time for QT's...(quiet times).
I've been updating on my other blog quite a bit. You'll have to check it out if you haven't already.
You're practicum-ing, huh? That's great. Those are fun- a little boring at first because the teachers never let you do anything.....but it'd be scary to be thrown right in, I guess. As for me, I'm taking of spelling lessons already- day 1 and she's turned over the book. Good. Give me something to do. :) I've already had 3 practicums, so I'm ready.
I've got to get to work. I'm really dilly-dally-ing around. Also, I found some great deals at target today. Some teacher clothes- 8 new shirts for around $50. 3 sleeveless sweaters for $3.24 each....can you believe that?!?! Three shirts for $6-something each, and 2 cardigan sweaters for $15. Not too bad. Very versatile. I'm set for the semester. :) Love you & Miss you.
I'm having lots of time to write as I have no friends here. :) Just kidding. Well, actually, I'm not. I've had lots of alone time...which is good and bad. It's giving me a lot of time to prepare to be a great teacher. I'm getting a good start on my portfolio, and I'm having lots of time for QT's...(quiet times).
I've been updating on my other blog quite a bit. You'll have to check it out if you haven't already.
You're practicum-ing, huh? That's great. Those are fun- a little boring at first because the teachers never let you do anything.....but it'd be scary to be thrown right in, I guess. As for me, I'm taking of spelling lessons already- day 1 and she's turned over the book. Good. Give me something to do. :) I've already had 3 practicums, so I'm ready.
I've got to get to work. I'm really dilly-dally-ing around. Also, I found some great deals at target today. Some teacher clothes- 8 new shirts for around $50. 3 sleeveless sweaters for $3.24 each....can you believe that?!?! Three shirts for $6-something each, and 2 cardigan sweaters for $15. Not too bad. Very versatile. I'm set for the semester. :) Love you & Miss you.
Monday, September 3, 2007
Sheboygan? I'm on my way.
I just checked out the blog on a whim and there is was. A post! I'm so glad you wrote. I have been thinking about you a lot lately, wondering how you're doing. I like that muffin idea. Does your aunt have a microwave muffin tin or do you use something else? I definitely need that recipe.
Tonight I was quite down, but I'm feeling a bit better now. I washed my sheets, and that always makes me feel good. I guess I was just dreading this week (and all the weeks to come this semester). Not good. I shouldn't dread them, but look at them as an adventure. As one man put it:
"Nay! Be a Columbus to whole new continents and worlds withing you, opening new channels, not of trade, but of thought."
There you have it. There it is. I have my first full week of practicum. Yikes. Why should I be scared? All I really have to do is sit there. Hmmmm. Well, I better head to bed. Early morning, you know. I miss you and I love you. I'm so gladd you wrote.
I just checked out the blog on a whim and there is was. A post! I'm so glad you wrote. I have been thinking about you a lot lately, wondering how you're doing. I like that muffin idea. Does your aunt have a microwave muffin tin or do you use something else? I definitely need that recipe.
Tonight I was quite down, but I'm feeling a bit better now. I washed my sheets, and that always makes me feel good. I guess I was just dreading this week (and all the weeks to come this semester). Not good. I shouldn't dread them, but look at them as an adventure. As one man put it:
"Nay! Be a Columbus to whole new continents and worlds withing you, opening new channels, not of trade, but of thought."
There you have it. There it is. I have my first full week of practicum. Yikes. Why should I be scared? All I really have to do is sit there. Hmmmm. Well, I better head to bed. Early morning, you know. I miss you and I love you. I'm so gladd you wrote.
Sunday, September 2, 2007
in the news
Dame, you'll be happy to hear that this morning on the news the weather man said, "If you're headed up to Sheboygan this weekend...." I was pretty excited....thought of you immediately.
It needs to be said: Wisconsin misses you.
In other news, Martha, yes, the ingredients are all strange and you have to buy them all new. In addition, you don't use much of most of them so you'll have them in your pantry for months/years to come. Bread baking will never be the same. If you do find a cinnamon raison swirl recipe, be sure to send it my way, as I've been dreaming of making it for months.
Can I tell you a secret? You can make muffins in the microwave! My aunt makes this big batch of muffin mix and keeps it in the fridge. Then, in the morning when we're getting ready, we pour a little in a microwave-safe dish and cook it for 1 minute. Fresh muffins any time of day! It's nice because we're not always getting ready at the same time....And the great thing about these is that they're relatively healthy, so they won't encourage muffin tops!
Dame, thanks for coming to my party and for the wonderful card. I was so glad to see you one more time before I left. And guess what! My pedicure is still good. It's starting to grow out a bit and I have a chip or two, so I don't be able to keep them much longer. But I think of you every time I see my toes.....which is more than one time a day. :)
Hope you're doing well. Let me know how things are. I miss you.
It needs to be said: Wisconsin misses you.
In other news, Martha, yes, the ingredients are all strange and you have to buy them all new. In addition, you don't use much of most of them so you'll have them in your pantry for months/years to come. Bread baking will never be the same. If you do find a cinnamon raison swirl recipe, be sure to send it my way, as I've been dreaming of making it for months.
Can I tell you a secret? You can make muffins in the microwave! My aunt makes this big batch of muffin mix and keeps it in the fridge. Then, in the morning when we're getting ready, we pour a little in a microwave-safe dish and cook it for 1 minute. Fresh muffins any time of day! It's nice because we're not always getting ready at the same time....And the great thing about these is that they're relatively healthy, so they won't encourage muffin tops!
Dame, thanks for coming to my party and for the wonderful card. I was so glad to see you one more time before I left. And guess what! My pedicure is still good. It's starting to grow out a bit and I have a chip or two, so I don't be able to keep them much longer. But I think of you every time I see my toes.....which is more than one time a day. :)
Hope you're doing well. Let me know how things are. I miss you.
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
Thanks for the recipe. Yummy. YOu don't put the bread in pans, right? You just form it into a "rustic loaf"? Did you have a lovely weekend with the Michigans? I just got done eating a delicious square of dark chocolate. Yesterday Amber and I ran into each other and went on a walk. Then we had some slush and watched "The Notebook." Today we laid out in the sun until it started sprinkling. It was fun. She and I haven't hung out in ages. Crazy. We also saw Matt but apparently he had to go lift. Lame. Gotta go. I'm helping Ben write a cover letter~!
D to the A-M-E.
D to the A-M-E.
Thursday, August 2, 2007
Quite Quick
Lets be quite quick, please. (name that movie)......your dress is cute. hope tennis goes well tonight. sorry we didn't get to bake the bread.....sad. i'll send you the recipe. In fact, here it is:
* 2 tablespoons active dry yeast
* 1 teaspoon white sugar
* 1/2 cup warm waterå
* 3 1/2 cups warm water
* 1/4 cup honey
* 1/4 cup molasses
* 1/2 cup vegetable oil
* 2 eggs
* 2 tablespoons lemon juice
* 7 cups whole wheat flour
* 1/4 cup flax seed
* 1/4 cup cracked wheat
* 1/4 cup sunflower seeds
* 4 teaspoons salt
* 4 cups bread flour
1. In a small bowl, dissolve the yeast and sugar in 1/2 cup warm water. In a large bowl, mix remaining 3 1/2 cups warm water, honey, molasses, oil, eggs and lemon juice. Mix well. Add yeast mixture and stir.
2. Gradually add 5 cups whole wheat flour beating well after each addition. Add the flax, cracked wheat and sunflower seeds, stir well.
3. Let stand for 20 minutes, until mixture is very light. Stir in salt and the rest of the flours until dough pulls away from the sides of the bowl.
4. Knead 10 to 15 minutes until dough is smooth and elastic. Put into a greased bowl and cover, let rise in the oven with light on until doubled, about 1 hour.
5. Punch down and shape into 6 round balls. Cover and let rest for 20 minutes.
6. Form into loaves and let rise covered in oven until doubled. Bake at 375 degrees F (190 degrees C) 25-35 minutes.
Hope that helps- this makes a crap-ton of bread. 4-6 loaves. Good for giving to friends.
Thanks for coming over- you're great. Love you LOTS!
* 2 tablespoons active dry yeast
* 1 teaspoon white sugar
* 1/2 cup warm waterå
* 3 1/2 cups warm water
* 1/4 cup honey
* 1/4 cup molasses
* 1/2 cup vegetable oil
* 2 eggs
* 2 tablespoons lemon juice
* 7 cups whole wheat flour
* 1/4 cup flax seed
* 1/4 cup cracked wheat
* 1/4 cup sunflower seeds
* 4 teaspoons salt
* 4 cups bread flour
1. In a small bowl, dissolve the yeast and sugar in 1/2 cup warm water. In a large bowl, mix remaining 3 1/2 cups warm water, honey, molasses, oil, eggs and lemon juice. Mix well. Add yeast mixture and stir.
2. Gradually add 5 cups whole wheat flour beating well after each addition. Add the flax, cracked wheat and sunflower seeds, stir well.
3. Let stand for 20 minutes, until mixture is very light. Stir in salt and the rest of the flours until dough pulls away from the sides of the bowl.
4. Knead 10 to 15 minutes until dough is smooth and elastic. Put into a greased bowl and cover, let rise in the oven with light on until doubled, about 1 hour.
5. Punch down and shape into 6 round balls. Cover and let rest for 20 minutes.
6. Form into loaves and let rise covered in oven until doubled. Bake at 375 degrees F (190 degrees C) 25-35 minutes.
Hope that helps- this makes a crap-ton of bread. 4-6 loaves. Good for giving to friends.
Thanks for coming over- you're great. Love you LOTS!
Here I am!
Here I am at your house. I have really enjoyed catching up with you. Sounds like you're talking to some mean guy from UNL right now. Thanks for letting me laze around your house and eat your delicious Mexican Lasagna. I took a couple photos on photobooth. There are two that are sepia toned. If you go back and forth between them, you will see me batting my eyelashes. Quite the modern marvel if you ask me.
Apparently it's too hot to play tennis. Poo poo to that. I guess we're going later. I was so looking forward to it, though! Well, best go.
Apparently it's too hot to play tennis. Poo poo to that. I guess we're going later. I was so looking forward to it, though! Well, best go.
Hey girl. Just sitting at home watching the television. What not to wear...I wish these people would give ME a $5,000 card to go shopping with.....it would be fun to wear fashionable clothes at all times.....but it's just too dang expensive. Even though I'm a great bargain buyer.....sheish.
I move on the 26th. I'll be in N-town that weekend for my mom's birthday. So.....pencil that in. I gave my notice at work- last day is the 22nd. That's just about 3 weeks...yikes!
You and I need to catch up. "Jeanie needs to find support for her two best friends"....that's what the television says. Anyway, we need to catch up over coffee. Girl, i'm ready for fall. I love the cold weather- the cold fall rain...the smell of everything, the colors.....agh! Can't wait! But lets get that coffee before it gets cold (because then I'll be gone).
I move on the 26th. I'll be in N-town that weekend for my mom's birthday. So.....pencil that in. I gave my notice at work- last day is the 22nd. That's just about 3 weeks...yikes!
You and I need to catch up. "Jeanie needs to find support for her two best friends"....that's what the television says. Anyway, we need to catch up over coffee. Girl, i'm ready for fall. I love the cold weather- the cold fall rain...the smell of everything, the colors.....agh! Can't wait! But lets get that coffee before it gets cold (because then I'll be gone).
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
Lamer than lame.
Yeah. It's okay that you missed the call. I would have been the most boring person to talk to ever. "So, Leslie, what are you up to?" you would ask me. I would respond by saying, "Sitting around the house watching every movie I own, reading, painting, practicing piano and NOT enjoying it." Pathetic. I'm doing the things I enjoy, but it's getting to the point where I'm not appreciating them.
Soooooooo. I have a major headache, but I'm listening to the Hairspray soundtrack. Excellent. Great movie. I can't remember if you like musicals or not, but I think you'd enjoy it nonetheless.
Someone is finally home so I am going to suck all the life out of them.
Soooooooo. I have a major headache, but I'm listening to the Hairspray soundtrack. Excellent. Great movie. I can't remember if you like musicals or not, but I think you'd enjoy it nonetheless.
Someone is finally home so I am going to suck all the life out of them.
too dang hot
I see you called today. It was really awesome because it was hotter than I'd like it to be today- and my hair was down- (turning into a frizzball with every passing minute) and it kept getting caught in my armpits (which I had forgotten to put deoderant on) and under my purse strap, and I was carrying groceries, and my jeans were falling off, my shirt was riding up......and my phone was buried in the bottom of my purse. After I finally reached it, I had just missed your call. Stupid. After that, I was too irritated to be any fun to talk to....so I didn't answer it for the rest of the night.
How are you? :)
How are you? :)
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
WTF....(way too fun!)
The baby information is WTF, if you ask me. It's true. I forgot to tell a lot of people....just kind of found out and remined inwardly excited. Lame, I know.
Also lame is the fact that I was a no-show last night. Terribly sorry. No excuse, other than the fact that I wasn't finished hanging out with my man. Hadn't seen him in a long time. You know.
Next time I won't be such a hater. Promise. I've got to run, my scones are dinging in the oven. (Not the actual scones are dinging.....but the oven...)
I sure do love you.
Also lame is the fact that I was a no-show last night. Terribly sorry. No excuse, other than the fact that I wasn't finished hanging out with my man. Hadn't seen him in a long time. You know.
Next time I won't be such a hater. Promise. I've got to run, my scones are dinging in the oven. (Not the actual scones are dinging.....but the oven...)
I sure do love you.
Sunday, July 22, 2007
What the h???
I had no idea Mart was p.g. Why did you not tell me??! Maybe you thought I knew. I think you're home now. I'm sad. I wish we could hang out and catch up. I am just having a nasty evening.
On a lighter note, I got a job at Von Maur!! Yes, that's right, you're talking to a brand new Estee Lauder girl! I don't start until August 13th, so I've got a little summer to go. When do you leave? Oh? Never? That's wonderful.
Call me.
D to the D
On a lighter note, I got a job at Von Maur!! Yes, that's right, you're talking to a brand new Estee Lauder girl! I don't start until August 13th, so I've got a little summer to go. When do you leave? Oh? Never? That's wonderful.
Call me.
D to the D
Wednesday, July 4, 2007
I'm back from Colorado and am TOTALLY and COMPLETELY refreshed. We'll have to get together and catch up over coffee or tea......that's what summer nights are for, my dear. Hope you're doing well. I'm thinking of you!
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
sweatin' to the oldies!
Not really. I think I might go for a little walk, though. I just ate an entire box of those Cookie Dough bites. Sick. Why would I do that? I just got done with part of my homework for class. I should have gone to Jazz in June (because it's the last one) but I decided to catch up on some work. Yessss. Also doing laundry. What's up on your side of town?
Thursday, June 14, 2007
booty CALLLL
You're right. Those pictures are great. Panda Garden was great. My water never reached a level lower than 50% full. Ever. And our ticket came less than a minute after our main entres. Very quick. No wonder they're so skinny. :)
Today has been good. I'm not sure if you've noticed my multiple posts on my other blog. I've had lots of time to keep everyone updated.
There are lots of good pics from Meg. And there will be even MORE after our night o' wine! I can't wait.....it'll be so great. No one else- just the three of us. And we're planning on watching a marathon of sex in the city- my absolute favorite show.
I miss you. Lets do this soon. Love you, girl.
Today has been good. I'm not sure if you've noticed my multiple posts on my other blog. I've had lots of time to keep everyone updated.
There are lots of good pics from Meg. And there will be even MORE after our night o' wine! I can't wait.....it'll be so great. No one else- just the three of us. And we're planning on watching a marathon of sex in the city- my absolute favorite show.
I miss you. Lets do this soon. Love you, girl.
My, oh my.
So today was like the most boring day ever. I didn't do anything. I take that back. I did a lot of things that amounted to nothing. The only thing that I'm glad about is the fact that I started some recycling bins in our garage.
I just went on a little stroll around the neighborhood. You would have liked it. A little girl followed me for like 2 blocks on her big wheel. She was so cute. She kept saying, "Are you leaving? Where your car at?" It was hilarious. I will make you a CD for sure soon. I finally flippin' bought some. I have some fun new songs you might just like.
I hope Panda Garden was good! I enjoy a little Sweet and Sour chicken. I also like how you are never out of water. Ever. Those waiters are AWESOME.
I like how you are touching my booty in the picture Meg put up.
~D to the A-M-E
I just went on a little stroll around the neighborhood. You would have liked it. A little girl followed me for like 2 blocks on her big wheel. She was so cute. She kept saying, "Are you leaving? Where your car at?" It was hilarious. I will make you a CD for sure soon. I finally flippin' bought some. I have some fun new songs you might just like.
I hope Panda Garden was good! I enjoy a little Sweet and Sour chicken. I also like how you are never out of water. Ever. Those waiters are AWESOME.
I like how you are touching my booty in the picture Meg put up.
~D to the A-M-E
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
hometown schmometown
Girl. I'm in N-town for the week. I was thinking that I should call Laura to go to the pool, or a movie or lunch....or just to hang out. I've got to run. Wet dog from the rain. Get back to me, love.
Monday, June 4, 2007
Happy post day
I hope you're still celebrating. It was good to see you last night. Welcome to your 22nd year. :) Or 23rd? I don't think so.....I'm pretty sure this is 22.
I have a sweet new mix from my man. It's AWESOME. Hands down, awesome. Hope you're well and getting your personal library organized. As for myself, I've got a splitting headache and must lie horizontal for a short bit before crossing town to my brother's for dinner.
Love you lots.
Heather Lea
I have a sweet new mix from my man. It's AWESOME. Hands down, awesome. Hope you're well and getting your personal library organized. As for myself, I've got a splitting headache and must lie horizontal for a short bit before crossing town to my brother's for dinner.
Love you lots.
Heather Lea
Saturday, June 2, 2007
Drive by waving.
I miss you too! Yesterday, or maybe the day before, I saw you pulling out from in front of your old apartment. Your window was down, so I yelled at you from my window, but you didn't hear! It made me kind of sad. It was a gloomy day, anyway.
I can't believe I start classes on Monday. It is completely ridiculous. I am really quite nervous, but all I can do is wait and see how it's going to be. The good thing is, none of these classes go on forever. I just have to tell myself that they're only a week long. Tomorrow is my b-day! I am pretty excited. I think we are going to go to El Toro and then to the bowling alley. Maybe not El Toro, but it's so delicious. I hope everyone agrees.
Sounds like your house is at a good locale. Enjoyable. I hope I can visit before you leave! Well, I better take a shower. I am putrid from a bike ride.
~D. Dame
I can't believe I start classes on Monday. It is completely ridiculous. I am really quite nervous, but all I can do is wait and see how it's going to be. The good thing is, none of these classes go on forever. I just have to tell myself that they're only a week long. Tomorrow is my b-day! I am pretty excited. I think we are going to go to El Toro and then to the bowling alley. Maybe not El Toro, but it's so delicious. I hope everyone agrees.
Sounds like your house is at a good locale. Enjoyable. I hope I can visit before you leave! Well, I better take a shower. I am putrid from a bike ride.
~D. Dame
Thursday, May 31, 2007
i miss you.
I miss seeing your window. I miss your garage. I miss watching you come to and from places that I don't know. And now, I don't know when to tell you your mailman has been trying to get ahold of you. In fact, I don't even know when he's been trying to get ahold of you- and this could be a major problem!
In other news, I'm loving my new home. I sit out on the deck every morning and watch runners, bikers and walkers go by on the bike trail- which is at the bottom of our yard- maybe 30 yards away, if that. There's a small stream that trickles beside and creates a sort of wilderness-like sensation, if just for a moment.
I do have to run, I'm meeting a good friend for coffee at 10 am....and I still need to shower. Good thing starbucks is just a skip away!
Love you lots, girl. We'll have to be posting more often now that we're not close in proximity. Good thing I'm so full of sagacity.....what would you do without me?
Love, Heather Lea
In other news, I'm loving my new home. I sit out on the deck every morning and watch runners, bikers and walkers go by on the bike trail- which is at the bottom of our yard- maybe 30 yards away, if that. There's a small stream that trickles beside and creates a sort of wilderness-like sensation, if just for a moment.
I do have to run, I'm meeting a good friend for coffee at 10 am....and I still need to shower. Good thing starbucks is just a skip away!
Love you lots, girl. We'll have to be posting more often now that we're not close in proximity. Good thing I'm so full of sagacity.....what would you do without me?
Love, Heather Lea
Monday, May 21, 2007
Every word you say, I think I should write down.
Sweet video. I also checked out your friend's blog which I proceeded to read all the way through. Children are very interesting. That baby is the cutest thing I have EVER seen. Props to making a nice baby, Heather's friend.
Thanks for waving to us from your window tonight. It is fun living right across the street. Unfortnately I get over there like once a month. Suck.
Met with Meg last night. Awesome. It is fun to find out about someone new. Making new friends is exciting if nothing else.
Interesting. I noticed here that blogger saves your drafts automatically. Apparently it didn't do that a few days ago when you lost your giant post.
I guess the director of my teaching program is trying to hook me up with a practicum for the fall. I guess I'm going to have to do it outside Lincoln because I missed the deadline (since I wasn't in the program and all. Lame). So now I'm going to have to drive somewhere which sucks. Oh well. I would like to be at a different school anyway.
I am sad because my typewriter was on the floor the other night and I tripped over it on the way to the bathroom. Now the space bar is crooked and looks like crap. It still works, but the aesthetic value is definitely less than it used to be. Maybe I can bend it right back.
I better go. I'm doing some research on cities to live in. I'm a loser. It's kind of fun, though, having a project. Refreshing.
Dav. Dame.
Thanks for waving to us from your window tonight. It is fun living right across the street. Unfortnately I get over there like once a month. Suck.
Met with Meg last night. Awesome. It is fun to find out about someone new. Making new friends is exciting if nothing else.
Interesting. I noticed here that blogger saves your drafts automatically. Apparently it didn't do that a few days ago when you lost your giant post.
I guess the director of my teaching program is trying to hook me up with a practicum for the fall. I guess I'm going to have to do it outside Lincoln because I missed the deadline (since I wasn't in the program and all. Lame). So now I'm going to have to drive somewhere which sucks. Oh well. I would like to be at a different school anyway.
I am sad because my typewriter was on the floor the other night and I tripped over it on the way to the bathroom. Now the space bar is crooked and looks like crap. It still works, but the aesthetic value is definitely less than it used to be. Maybe I can bend it right back.
I better go. I'm doing some research on cities to live in. I'm a loser. It's kind of fun, though, having a project. Refreshing.
Dav. Dame.
Sunday, May 20, 2007
check it
Leslie, I have a sweet video on my blog that you need to check out. I hope you know how to navigate to my page.....otherwise, you're in deep, deep trouble. Also, look at my friend "lori" on the links list on the right side.....there's a picture of her son, little caleb there, and you'll see that his good friend, heather, gave him a little treat on his arm. :) ha!
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
you were only waiting for this moment to arrive
Hey girl. Thanks for the walk. I'm tired. Good job.
I feel like we talked everything out- I don't even have anything to write to you. Do you know how to take care of orchids? I have one. It's beautiful. But I don't know how to do it. Google.
Bye, girl. Love you.
I feel like we talked everything out- I don't even have anything to write to you. Do you know how to take care of orchids? I have one. It's beautiful. But I don't know how to do it. Google.
Bye, girl. Love you.
Wednesday, May 9, 2007
1st time for everything.
Today is my first real day of summer. I am preparing to go on a nice long walk. You are probably still asleep and when you wake up you'll be headed off to Norfolk, I'm sure. I hope your date was fun last night. You both looked pretty boss when I saw you.
I will hopefully make the best of these three weeks before my classes start--working out, sunbathing, reading. That's what I plan to do, and I'm not gonna feel guilty if I want to take a nap or something. Ha! So there!
I hope your mom's mouth feels better and blog if you have time while you're home!
~D. Dame
I will hopefully make the best of these three weeks before my classes start--working out, sunbathing, reading. That's what I plan to do, and I'm not gonna feel guilty if I want to take a nap or something. Ha! So there!
I hope your mom's mouth feels better and blog if you have time while you're home!
~D. Dame
Tuesday, May 8, 2007
mail time
Hey. The mailman has a package for you. He tried to deliver it, but no one is home. Dang it. I could have run down from here, but I don't think he would have let some random from the next building sign for it. Plus, I'm spending the day in my nickers by myself- and he probably wouldn't have appreciated that. Or maybe he would.
In any case, you've got mail. Speaking of which, I should probably watch that movie today. I was contemplating my long afternoon of nothing....wondering what I should do to fill the time. A movie might be the ticket.
In any case, you've got mail. Speaking of which, I should probably watch that movie today. I was contemplating my long afternoon of nothing....wondering what I should do to fill the time. A movie might be the ticket.
Tuesday, May 1, 2007
35. Pathetic.
We need to get some publicity out on our blog. I know it's just for us, anyway, but we've only had 35 people view it!!
To enjoy the flavor of life, take big bites.
I am taking really big bites of my Kashi "Good Friends" cereal right now. I'm trying to mentally prepare for the PPST. Actually, I'm not. If I was mentally preparing I don't think I would be posting here while listening to music. I think it'll be fine. I'm kind of nervous, though.
You are falling hard and I think it's great. I'm going to be quite sad to see you leave in a few months. What an adventure life will be for both of us! New things to check out. It makes me nervous and excited. I have some stories to tell you next time we get together.
I best finish getting ready. I hope to see you soon! Hope your portfolio got done.
Dav. Dame.
You are falling hard and I think it's great. I'm going to be quite sad to see you leave in a few months. What an adventure life will be for both of us! New things to check out. It makes me nervous and excited. I have some stories to tell you next time we get together.
I best finish getting ready. I hope to see you soon! Hope your portfolio got done.
Dav. Dame.
Monday, April 30, 2007
hey. don't worry about it- i don't even care. i like larka.... :)
i went to pioneers park today to sit and study....now i have a red back. :( hopefully it'll turn to a tan overnight, one of those magical skin things, you know.
i stopped to see you after my run today- but i didn't ring the doorbell. i just hollered. you didn't answer. :( i know you were home because i watched you leave from my window shortly thereafter. that's ok. we'll catch each other again soon.
i'm falling hard for this boy, leslie. really hard.
and it's windier than crap....and i'm hungry so i'm going to go make a lunch. hope to see you soon, doll. love you.
i went to pioneers park today to sit and study....now i have a red back. :( hopefully it'll turn to a tan overnight, one of those magical skin things, you know.
i stopped to see you after my run today- but i didn't ring the doorbell. i just hollered. you didn't answer. :( i know you were home because i watched you leave from my window shortly thereafter. that's ok. we'll catch each other again soon.
i'm falling hard for this boy, leslie. really hard.
and it's windier than crap....and i'm hungry so i'm going to go make a lunch. hope to see you soon, doll. love you.
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Sorry if I let the cat out of the bag tonight. I felt bad. Please accept my apology. I do not want to be a crappy friend. I'm glad you came over again. I like just having you here.
I am looking at my stolen picture right now. So enjoyable. I think I will look at it occasionally when I need a break from my studies (ha! what studies?). I will make you a CD soon. I enjoy making them as much as I do listening to them.
Well, I better attempt to sleep although I'm too hyped up to relax. I should have had you play piano until you and I both slept soundly. Sigh. Nighty night. Hope you fall asleep before 5 am.
D to the D
I am looking at my stolen picture right now. So enjoyable. I think I will look at it occasionally when I need a break from my studies (ha! what studies?). I will make you a CD soon. I enjoy making them as much as I do listening to them.
Well, I better attempt to sleep although I'm too hyped up to relax. I should have had you play piano until you and I both slept soundly. Sigh. Nighty night. Hope you fall asleep before 5 am.
D to the D
sweet caroline
i bet you're tired. i'm just assuming. you know.....
i'm tired. i didn't fall asleep until after 5 am......what the devil was i doing up until then, you ask? i'm asking myself the same question. i was tossing. i was turning. i was pretending to sleep- hoping to fake myself out.....to no avail.
i love the rain. so very much. i did see that you hadn't left yet when i was leaving at 9:10 this morning.....i wondered about you. glad to hear you made it to class. as for the double point attendence, i would recommend you go. last week of classes......what's it going to hurt? but that's just me.
freak-out tuesday isn't looking so bad. on the contrary, actually....it's looking extremely bright for reasons i will not mention. could be that i have new piano music to practice.... could be that. :)
see you soon, doll.
-heather lea
i'm tired. i didn't fall asleep until after 5 am......what the devil was i doing up until then, you ask? i'm asking myself the same question. i was tossing. i was turning. i was pretending to sleep- hoping to fake myself out.....to no avail.
i love the rain. so very much. i did see that you hadn't left yet when i was leaving at 9:10 this morning.....i wondered about you. glad to hear you made it to class. as for the double point attendence, i would recommend you go. last week of classes......what's it going to hurt? but that's just me.
freak-out tuesday isn't looking so bad. on the contrary, actually....it's looking extremely bright for reasons i will not mention. could be that i have new piano music to practice.... could be that. :)
see you soon, doll.
-heather lea
Oh, sweet bliss!
Hey friend. Well. It was pouring rain this morning. I would generally love this fact and embrace it. I would dress in a trench coat, hat, umbrella, and perhaps some sort of galoshes. Due to the fact that I had class at 9:30 and woke up at 9:16 this morning, I didn't have time to prepare. I threw on a shirt (dirty) and some jeans (great for the rain...) and my ugly waterproof jacket. I also wore my Danskos...with skinny jeans. I know. Lovely. So there I am, sitting through class, freezing my booty off, soaking wet, and not having brushed my hair. Nice.
How has your day been so far?
I'm definitely not going to my other class even though we have double attendance points today. Huh-uh. No way.
I hope you can come over and practice piano more. I want to hang out and re-connect with you more. I feel like our relationship has been an empty vessel waiting to be filled with some sort of elixir of life that will restore our friendship to an even greater state than it ever was. RUN ON SENTENCE!!! YESSSSSSS! Well, can't wait to see you again. I'll talk to you soon!
How has your day been so far?
I'm definitely not going to my other class even though we have double attendance points today. Huh-uh. No way.
I hope you can come over and practice piano more. I want to hang out and re-connect with you more. I feel like our relationship has been an empty vessel waiting to be filled with some sort of elixir of life that will restore our friendship to an even greater state than it ever was. RUN ON SENTENCE!!! YESSSSSSS! Well, can't wait to see you again. I'll talk to you soon!
Monday, April 23, 2007
late night phone call
Oh you....you're probably still yappity-yap-yap-yapping away. Good for you. That's healthy. That's important- embrace it, my dear. :)
Thanks so much for your piano tonight- I'll be over more often as i continue to practice my very special music....and i'll be nearly as sad as you when you have to return it to ben.
love you lots. must go to bed.
Thanks so much for your piano tonight- I'll be over more often as i continue to practice my very special music....and i'll be nearly as sad as you when you have to return it to ben.
love you lots. must go to bed.
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
i have a sister somewhere in detroit
Dear Chatty Cathy,
HA! You're certainly correct about that being difficult to remove from your car. I can't even imagine.
What I CAN imagine is the end of school; of not having homework to do after work; of having hours of time that have recently been devoted to reading textbooks, writing research papers, miscue analysis', catching up on worksheets and losing sleep......i CAN imagine this...and it is a beautiful thing. I can't tell you how many books I'm going to check out from the library immediatly after finishing my final on Tuesday- 2 WEEKS FROM TODAY!!!!!
I'm at scoots- just sneezed huge all over the table. Hope Chris wipes this one off before the next person sits down. HA! Joke's on them.
Lol.....now i'm just chuckling to myself out loud...and I look ridiculous.
I love being ridiculous. And I love my carmelicious beverage- what a great recommendation!
HA! You're certainly correct about that being difficult to remove from your car. I can't even imagine.
What I CAN imagine is the end of school; of not having homework to do after work; of having hours of time that have recently been devoted to reading textbooks, writing research papers, miscue analysis', catching up on worksheets and losing sleep......i CAN imagine this...and it is a beautiful thing. I can't tell you how many books I'm going to check out from the library immediatly after finishing my final on Tuesday- 2 WEEKS FROM TODAY!!!!!
I'm at scoots- just sneezed huge all over the table. Hope Chris wipes this one off before the next person sits down. HA! Joke's on them.
Lol.....now i'm just chuckling to myself out loud...and I look ridiculous.
I love being ridiculous. And I love my carmelicious beverage- what a great recommendation!
Go make your next choice, be your best choice.
Yeah. I need to get my booty in gear regarding that whole PPST thing. I am afraid I won't get into Doane. FREAK OUT!!!
I'm trying to learn a song on guitar, but who the heck knows how to play an F#m? I don't. That's for sure. It's about time I learn some new chords, though. I have used the same six or so since I first bought a guitar.
What a nice day! It was funny stopping and saying hi to you in the car today. I moved on quickly, though, because the girl behind you looked totally pissed off. I was afraid she was gonna key my car and write the words "Chatty Cathy" on my car. Yikes. That wouldn't be easy to get rid of, I'm afraid. Well, best go. I have stuff to do that I'm for sure not doing.
p.s. I like how you use "homeworks" in the plural. Very chic.
I'm trying to learn a song on guitar, but who the heck knows how to play an F#m? I don't. That's for sure. It's about time I learn some new chords, though. I have used the same six or so since I first bought a guitar.
What a nice day! It was funny stopping and saying hi to you in the car today. I moved on quickly, though, because the girl behind you looked totally pissed off. I was afraid she was gonna key my car and write the words "Chatty Cathy" on my car. Yikes. That wouldn't be easy to get rid of, I'm afraid. Well, best go. I have stuff to do that I'm for sure not doing.
p.s. I like how you use "homeworks" in the plural. Very chic.
Monday, April 16, 2007
help is on the way
Hi my dear friend. Yes, you can take the ppst at sylvan. It takes about,.....well, they give you 4 hours to complete the test. The results take 2-4 weeks (i think) to get to the schools. That could be wrong. You can always call 423.8833....(i think) for more information. That should be sylvan's phone number- but you'll probably want to look it up just in case. :)
I laughed out loud at you and Jason Mrazy.....mrazy-poo. Good job, that's funny.
Double D.....you're not kiddin'. Good grief.
I've got to get going on my homeworks. Lots to do, love.
-heather lea
I laughed out loud at you and Jason Mrazy.....mrazy-poo. Good job, that's funny.
Double D.....you're not kiddin'. Good grief.
I've got to get going on my homeworks. Lots to do, love.
-heather lea
What could be better?
What could be better than listening to Regina Spektor and eating Doritos? Not much. It would be even better if I didn't have a paper looming over my head. I've been listening to some enjoyable new music lately. Lily Allen is one. Jason Mraz, the other. Of course I have always enjoyed Jason Mraz, but it wasn't until I saw him in concert that our musical souls united and sang a triumpant song together towards the heavens. At least that's how I imagined it.
I am behind in my "non-school related" graduation responsibilities. Can I take the PPST at Sylvan? How long does it take to get the scores!? Help me. I better start that paper. Talk to you soon,
I am behind in my "non-school related" graduation responsibilities. Can I take the PPST at Sylvan? How long does it take to get the scores!? Help me. I better start that paper. Talk to you soon,
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
privilege plus
I'm sorry to hear you're stressed. School blows. Sometimes. :) I wonder who decided to coin the term "blows" as in "school blows". Probably someone who is the opposite of the person who coined the term "sucks" as in "school sucks" because those two are opposite statements. But actually, quite similar. They both have negative connotations, but "suck" and "blow" mean two completely opposite things. Hmmmm.
In other news, yesterday was "freak-out Tuesday", I think. I freaked out, you were stressed.... maybe it's that mid-week hump that we all need to get over. Or maybe we need to get over ourselves. :)
I'm going to class from 10:30-11:30 but then I'm home all day if you want to come study. I know you have a very busy day, so don't feel obligated. I'll be here either way.
I love you.
-heather lea
In other news, yesterday was "freak-out Tuesday", I think. I freaked out, you were stressed.... maybe it's that mid-week hump that we all need to get over. Or maybe we need to get over ourselves. :)
I'm going to class from 10:30-11:30 but then I'm home all day if you want to come study. I know you have a very busy day, so don't feel obligated. I'll be here either way.
I love you.
-heather lea
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
I don't even know what a sight word is. This week is so stressful. I'm glad I'm writing, though. I actually have to finish planning my funeral right now. Sounds strange, but it's true. I have to do it for a class, and believe me, it's not the kind of work you want to do in a couple days. Seriously.
Sorry you're feeling behind. I'm trying to get with the game, here, but it's not working. I can't work hard enough and long enough to catch up. I was glad to see you out in the hall today in Andrews. I like seeing non-class friends in a classroom setting. It's like a breath of fresh air. On the subject of the play you invited me to, I would love to go, but once again cannot. After the funeral project I have to do a 10-12 page paper with a scrapbook thing to go with it. LAME. I'm glad it's not at the end of the semester, but it's all crammed into the same week anyway. HOpefully I can spy on you tonight.
Double D.
I don't even know what a sight word is. This week is so stressful. I'm glad I'm writing, though. I actually have to finish planning my funeral right now. Sounds strange, but it's true. I have to do it for a class, and believe me, it's not the kind of work you want to do in a couple days. Seriously.
Sorry you're feeling behind. I'm trying to get with the game, here, but it's not working. I can't work hard enough and long enough to catch up. I was glad to see you out in the hall today in Andrews. I like seeing non-class friends in a classroom setting. It's like a breath of fresh air. On the subject of the play you invited me to, I would love to go, but once again cannot. After the funeral project I have to do a 10-12 page paper with a scrapbook thing to go with it. LAME. I'm glad it's not at the end of the semester, but it's all crammed into the same week anyway. HOpefully I can spy on you tonight.
Double D.
miles behind me, the faces of the whole, i laugh
"I'm slowly changing. I'm becoming what I wanted to stop." -Bethany Dillon, no correlation to me or my feelings, really.
It's raining, Leslie. Really raining. I'm stressed. I'm behind. I've allowed myself free time that I didn't have....and loved every minute of it, but now I'm hard pressed, and skipping classes that I can't and shouldn't be skipping. This will make me further behind, not ahead. Ergo, I am frantically writing (0r trying to write) lesson plans and get assignments done before my tutoring session this afternoon. For a while, I thought I might make it to art class.....but as 2 o'clock quickly approaches, I'm seeing that hope swiftly fade into the back of my mind.
I've got a plate full of salsa and lettuce leaves. Nice lunch, huh.
I'm starting to believe that time is not a constant thing that we, as humans, seem to think we can grasp with what we've created as the "clock". I'm starting to think that some hours really do pass more quickly than others and that other times, time seems to stretch out into slow motion. More and more I am convinced of this.
I'd better get back to my lesson plans. Have any great ideas for working on sight words, let me know. I don't want to make him do flashcards again.
Much love,
Heather Lea
It's raining, Leslie. Really raining. I'm stressed. I'm behind. I've allowed myself free time that I didn't have....and loved every minute of it, but now I'm hard pressed, and skipping classes that I can't and shouldn't be skipping. This will make me further behind, not ahead. Ergo, I am frantically writing (0r trying to write) lesson plans and get assignments done before my tutoring session this afternoon. For a while, I thought I might make it to art class.....but as 2 o'clock quickly approaches, I'm seeing that hope swiftly fade into the back of my mind.
I've got a plate full of salsa and lettuce leaves. Nice lunch, huh.
I'm starting to believe that time is not a constant thing that we, as humans, seem to think we can grasp with what we've created as the "clock". I'm starting to think that some hours really do pass more quickly than others and that other times, time seems to stretch out into slow motion. More and more I am convinced of this.
I'd better get back to my lesson plans. Have any great ideas for working on sight words, let me know. I don't want to make him do flashcards again.
Much love,
Heather Lea
Sunday, April 8, 2007
Tighty whiteys.
Wow. I never realized that I have no idea how to spell whiteys. Or is it whities? That doesn't look right. Neither one of them does. No purpose for that title, either. I just like it. And the thought of them. And the thought of the opposite of them. And no, I don't mean naked. I mean boxer briefs, obviously.
I just pulled out a picture of a frickin' awesome haircut. It's about chin length. Should I risk my newly grown long, luxurious locks? I think not. I'll wait for a few more months, at least.
I graduate in three weeks. THREEEEEEEEE. That's so weird. Too bad I have to "walk" as some people call it. I don't really want to, but maybe deep down I do. I'm never afraid of a little pomp and circumstance. I just don't want to buy a gown. I wish I could have a hood to go with mine. That would be sweet. Note to self: get masters or doctrate so can have v.g. outfit with hat. Well, I'm heading to bed, moochie head. I'll talk to you soon!
mucho love-o,
Dav. Dame.
I just pulled out a picture of a frickin' awesome haircut. It's about chin length. Should I risk my newly grown long, luxurious locks? I think not. I'll wait for a few more months, at least.
I graduate in three weeks. THREEEEEEEEE. That's so weird. Too bad I have to "walk" as some people call it. I don't really want to, but maybe deep down I do. I'm never afraid of a little pomp and circumstance. I just don't want to buy a gown. I wish I could have a hood to go with mine. That would be sweet. Note to self: get masters or doctrate so can have v.g. outfit with hat. Well, I'm heading to bed, moochie head. I'll talk to you soon!
mucho love-o,
Dav. Dame.
Friday, April 6, 2007
glad to have you back, my dear
Yeah, I'm driving home after I get off work tomorow night at 11:30.....ick! My friends Ashley and Tye are going with me so I don't fall asleep and veer off into the other side of the road...
I have lots of news.....as I'm sure you do also. We need to catch up. After Easter. I hope you're doing well....i haven't even seen you in your english class when i peek in to spy on you. what's the deal? did you get a new seating arrangement?
Work it. Own it. That's right baby, look at you!
I have lots of news.....as I'm sure you do also. We need to catch up. After Easter. I hope you're doing well....i haven't even seen you in your english class when i peek in to spy on you. what's the deal? did you get a new seating arrangement?
Work it. Own it. That's right baby, look at you!
Sorry for t-fing
Whoa, I just randomly check the blog, expecting nothing and there you are! Bam! Thanks for comin' home. I can't chat long, I've gotta go to class. It's Easter weekend, you know. Are you going home? I am, but i have to bring a crap-ton of homework with me. Suck. I have to go. Bye!
Whoa, I just randomly check the blog, expecting nothing and there you are! Bam! Thanks for comin' home. I can't chat long, I've gotta go to class. It's Easter weekend, you know. Are you going home? I am, but i have to bring a crap-ton of homework with me. Suck. I have to go. Bye!
Tuesday, April 3, 2007
Well, since you're t.f-ing, I'm going to post again. I hope you're well. I want to come over and peruse through your closet. Soon. Your home is empty. I watched you leave this morning. I sound like a creepy stalker. eek.
I wanted to line your sidewalk with palm branches on Sunday. But I thought that may be a bit sacreligious. You're not Jesus. I love you, but not like I love him. Sorry, girl.
Also, my old/new friend is great. You and I need to chat.
I'm NOT being productive right now. I'm punishing myself by forcing me to end the post. I can't blog until my homework is done.
I wanted to line your sidewalk with palm branches on Sunday. But I thought that may be a bit sacreligious. You're not Jesus. I love you, but not like I love him. Sorry, girl.
Also, my old/new friend is great. You and I need to chat.
I'm NOT being productive right now. I'm punishing myself by forcing me to end the post. I can't blog until my homework is done.
Friday, March 30, 2007
I'm not only on the verge of being awesome....I've gone over the edge.
I think i've done it. I added myself as a contributer to the blog- so now it might say at the bottom of each post who the author is. Either Davenport Dame...or......I'm not sure what it'll say for me. Let's try it.
let me know that you hear me, let that be enough.
A week and a half. Over that. I'm not even going to comment on my behavior- because I know it's understood that it's unacceptable. Sorry.
In other news, I'm home. All day. And loving it. Are you working late tonight? Would you like to attend a play with me? I think it starts at 7 or 7:30.....I'll go either way, but thought it'd be fun if you came along. My teacher said it has some vulgarity in it- so I must be careful about who I ask to go... and you're it.
There's a strange sort of bug crawling up my screen- I can't tell if he's trying to get in or out. Poor little bloke.
I think it's important that I write more. More poetry, maybe. And it's equally important that you're writing things down like, "homeless man on street in chicago: I see you, covergirl...." or something to that effect. Those moments are priceless. You hear me? Priceless.
I had such a strange dream last night....no, this morning/early afternoon. Small bits keep popping up in my mind, and I am becoming more and more disturbed with each flashback.
You know, my friends Scott and Carissa have some sort of way to tell who the post is written by at the beginning- I wonder if people are ever confused. Maybe no one even notices.....I know of maybe 2 or 3 people from my side that actually read this. I haven't told many about it, but I suppose there's a link on my blog. What do you tihnk? Do I need to fix that?
I'm going to start some laundry. I hope you have a great day with those little rug-rats. Give 'em a kick in the pants if they don't behave for you. Tell their parents I said it was ok.
In other news, I'm home. All day. And loving it. Are you working late tonight? Would you like to attend a play with me? I think it starts at 7 or 7:30.....I'll go either way, but thought it'd be fun if you came along. My teacher said it has some vulgarity in it- so I must be careful about who I ask to go... and you're it.
There's a strange sort of bug crawling up my screen- I can't tell if he's trying to get in or out. Poor little bloke.
I think it's important that I write more. More poetry, maybe. And it's equally important that you're writing things down like, "homeless man on street in chicago: I see you, covergirl...." or something to that effect. Those moments are priceless. You hear me? Priceless.
I had such a strange dream last night....no, this morning/early afternoon. Small bits keep popping up in my mind, and I am becoming more and more disturbed with each flashback.
You know, my friends Scott and Carissa have some sort of way to tell who the post is written by at the beginning- I wonder if people are ever confused. Maybe no one even notices.....I know of maybe 2 or 3 people from my side that actually read this. I haven't told many about it, but I suppose there's a link on my blog. What do you tihnk? Do I need to fix that?
I'm going to start some laundry. I hope you have a great day with those little rug-rats. Give 'em a kick in the pants if they don't behave for you. Tell their parents I said it was ok.
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
Por que?
Were those song lyrics, or did those questions just come out of the blue? Was it you who told me your tooth was loose the other day? Whoever it was, that was weird. I think they were lying, but you never know. I hope I don't lose any.
Megan bought me an Etch-A-Sketch. They are so classic. I like how they didn't change the font or anything on it. The only thing that's different is the color. Mine is blue and sparkly. Just how I like it. Lalala. I etched a picture of a computer with the word VIRUS on the screen. I rather like it. Might take a picture of it. I bought some of those vegetables that steam in the bag. Corn on the cob, v.g. Yum! Well, best go to bed. Sorry for the rambling randomness.
~Dav. Dame
Megan bought me an Etch-A-Sketch. They are so classic. I like how they didn't change the font or anything on it. The only thing that's different is the color. Mine is blue and sparkly. Just how I like it. Lalala. I etched a picture of a computer with the word VIRUS on the screen. I rather like it. Might take a picture of it. I bought some of those vegetables that steam in the bag. Corn on the cob, v.g. Yum! Well, best go to bed. Sorry for the rambling randomness.
~Dav. Dame
i hear in my mind all this music and it breaks my heart
hey there lady. i'm SORRY....it's been so stinkin' long....spring break, as you know, was amazing. marathon sprinting and all. it was nice to see you the other day. (as always)
suppose i'd never met you.
what if death feel in love with you and wanted to take you home?
what is your driving force?
how do you take your toast?
what if we kept losing teeth through adulthood....and growing new ones to fill the spaces?
suppose i'd never met you.
what if death feel in love with you and wanted to take you home?
what is your driving force?
how do you take your toast?
what if we kept losing teeth through adulthood....and growing new ones to fill the spaces?
Tuesday, March 6, 2007
Hide and seek.
Hey girl,
Sorry for my lack of posts. This is going to be kind of a busy week for me. What about you? Chicago, here we come!! It's soon, you know. Real soon. Thanks for the tip on the hamburger helper. I ate it all up. Pretty yummy.
I had a dream about your banana bread last night. Yum.
Sorry for my lack of posts. This is going to be kind of a busy week for me. What about you? Chicago, here we come!! It's soon, you know. Real soon. Thanks for the tip on the hamburger helper. I ate it all up. Pretty yummy.
I had a dream about your banana bread last night. Yum.
Saturday, March 3, 2007
a look from the other side
Thanks so much for the view of my home. Your roommates seemed to be having a very nice afternoon.....good to see everyone. :)
I made some killer bread this morning- I should probably either give you the recipe or just make a loaf for you ladies. Yummo.
I'm suppposed to be doing homework now before I go into work, but I just don't see that happening.....I've been cleaning, baking, doing laundary....you know, all those domestic tasks that I love so much. I can't wait to be a wife/mom......just thinking about it makes my heart go pitter-patter....
I tried calling you. You didn't answer.
Yesterday I borrowed your driveway for a few minutes. Didn't want to park on the street. Thanks.
I made some killer bread this morning- I should probably either give you the recipe or just make a loaf for you ladies. Yummo.
I'm suppposed to be doing homework now before I go into work, but I just don't see that happening.....I've been cleaning, baking, doing laundary....you know, all those domestic tasks that I love so much. I can't wait to be a wife/mom......just thinking about it makes my heart go pitter-patter....
I tried calling you. You didn't answer.
Yesterday I borrowed your driveway for a few minutes. Didn't want to park on the street. Thanks.
Thursday, March 1, 2007
Here we all are!
Here is your apartment. It doesn't look too desecrated. That's a good thing.

This is David. He is Megan's boyfriend. He is confused as to why I am taking a picture.

Here is Larka. She is crafting.

Here is Megan. She just woke up.

Here is Meghan. She is crocheting a baby blanket.

This is me looking at your apartment in disbelief.

I love how you initiated this snow-day attempt at communication! I know it's going to be difficult, but we can make it through! We can get out of this pile of snow! I can dig my way over if I have to!
This is me lying in my bed enjoying the beauty of the day and the comfort of my warm flannel sheets.
This is David. He is Megan's boyfriend. He is confused as to why I am taking a picture.
Here is Larka. She is crafting.
Here is Megan. She just woke up.
Here is Meghan. She is crocheting a baby blanket.
This is me looking at your apartment in disbelief.
I love how you initiated this snow-day attempt at communication! I know it's going to be difficult, but we can make it through! We can get out of this pile of snow! I can dig my way over if I have to!
This is me lying in my bed enjoying the beauty of the day and the comfort of my warm flannel sheets.
i opened the fire door
I like that your name is DD.....like DD Giant boobs. Very nice.
As i stated earlier this morning in a phone call to you, don't even try to come out of your house. The snow drive is sky high. Here, I'll even show you.
Here is your house. Notice the snow drift by the door.

Here is me outside on the balcony.

Here is Amber doing homework today.

Here is sarah putting her pants on.

Here is Melissa getting ready to take a shower.

And this is me (not staged) sitting and enjoying my day. :)
As i stated earlier this morning in a phone call to you, don't even try to come out of your house. The snow drive is sky high. Here, I'll even show you.
Here is your house. Notice the snow drift by the door.

Here is me outside on the balcony.

Here is Amber doing homework today.

Here is sarah putting her pants on.

Here is Melissa getting ready to take a shower.

And this is me (not staged) sitting and enjoying my day. :)

Tuesday, February 27, 2007
Suddenly I See
Hey girl,
Sounds like Sunday was fun and relaxing. Too bad it was Tuesday before I even read the post. Just goes to show how frickin' crazy this week has been so far. I am glad to report that things are slowing down now. I have some mail of yours over at my house that I need to deliver.
I would like to watch a crap-ton of movies for the rest of the week. Sound good? I hope to see you soon, my favorite gal-pal.
Sounds like Sunday was fun and relaxing. Too bad it was Tuesday before I even read the post. Just goes to show how frickin' crazy this week has been so far. I am glad to report that things are slowing down now. I have some mail of yours over at my house that I need to deliver.
I would like to watch a crap-ton of movies for the rest of the week. Sound good? I hope to see you soon, my favorite gal-pal.
Sunday, February 25, 2007
Anticipation's been wearing me thin
What kind of drama, my dear? You'll have to come over today if you need to relax. Jeff Ebert, John Cockerill, Bam, Tiffany Heidtbrink and I are drinking coffee, writing, drawing, reading, and doing homework. Pretty much however you want to spend your time, that's what we're doing. We're also listening to my new Aimelie CD- courtesy of you. :)
Come over whenever you're ready- but only if you want to. We'd love to have your company....
Unfortunatly, i was not as productive as I had hoped to be. It took Bama 2 1/2 hours to get back from Omaha last night. We had pizza and watched a movie with Corey Priebe and Logan and Melissa. It was very relaxing, but now I'm paying for it. Which is ok- because i have my headphones on and I'm not even paying attention to the people who are here.....and I'll get quite a bit done here after I'm done writing you.
I hope you are well. You know I'm always over here to listen....and I have lots of kleenex and pillows for crying into. Trust me, they've gotten a lot of use over the past few weeks! Let me know if I can help at all. I love you, girl.
Heather Lea
Come over whenever you're ready- but only if you want to. We'd love to have your company....
Unfortunatly, i was not as productive as I had hoped to be. It took Bama 2 1/2 hours to get back from Omaha last night. We had pizza and watched a movie with Corey Priebe and Logan and Melissa. It was very relaxing, but now I'm paying for it. Which is ok- because i have my headphones on and I'm not even paying attention to the people who are here.....and I'll get quite a bit done here after I'm done writing you.
I hope you are well. You know I'm always over here to listen....and I have lots of kleenex and pillows for crying into. Trust me, they've gotten a lot of use over the past few weeks! Let me know if I can help at all. I love you, girl.
Heather Lea
"Morning, uuuuhhh clouds?"
I was going to say "Morning Sunshine!!" Yeah right. It's freakin' slush city out there. So glad you came over last night. I really loved your attempts at break dancing. Did you end up getting all your homework done last night? I bet you did. You are so driven these days. It's great, isn't it? I was like that last semester. Unfortunately, I reverted back to my old ways this semester. Sad.
Tonight we are having an Oscar party with "Note to Self." I am going to make some delicious mocktails, I believe. Should be fun. I am going to dress up in a skin-tight type outfit. Should be excellent if I can hold my stomach in all night. It's very Oscar-esque. I need to be glamourous.
There is still some drama in my life. It makes me sad.
I was going to say "Morning Sunshine!!" Yeah right. It's freakin' slush city out there. So glad you came over last night. I really loved your attempts at break dancing. Did you end up getting all your homework done last night? I bet you did. You are so driven these days. It's great, isn't it? I was like that last semester. Unfortunately, I reverted back to my old ways this semester. Sad.
Tonight we are having an Oscar party with "Note to Self." I am going to make some delicious mocktails, I believe. Should be fun. I am going to dress up in a skin-tight type outfit. Should be excellent if I can hold my stomach in all night. It's very Oscar-esque. I need to be glamourous.
There is still some drama in my life. It makes me sad.
Friday, February 23, 2007
take a trip to my yard
I do hear that we're expected to get some foul weather. I love it. I'm staying right here. That is, of course, until I go to omaha for the augustana/g.g.dolls concert saturday night, at which point, i will go, relax at the orphium with great friends and music, and ride home with john, levi, megan and kristin. Sounds fabulous. AT WHICH point, i will retire to my home for the rest of the weekend and lock myself up in the tower to work on homework the entire rest of the weekend.
You should stay here. You could catch up on homework- get everything done for this next week, read, drink lots of coffee, relax, etc. I think that sounds devine. And then, when the storm DOES hit, you'll be safe and sound in your pj's already drinking cocoa and curled up with a fabulous book. (Need any recommendations, I have many)
THAT is what you should do.
I no longer feel like a psychotic nut-job. Must have been a phase. A few days of abnormal hormonal levels. :)
Love you, girl.
You should stay here. You could catch up on homework- get everything done for this next week, read, drink lots of coffee, relax, etc. I think that sounds devine. And then, when the storm DOES hit, you'll be safe and sound in your pj's already drinking cocoa and curled up with a fabulous book. (Need any recommendations, I have many)
THAT is what you should do.
I no longer feel like a psychotic nut-job. Must have been a phase. A few days of abnormal hormonal levels. :)
Love you, girl.
Slow down for the low down.
Here is a little play by play of my day so far, starting at 12 am.
1. Rapidly finish paper for Women's Lit despite lack of material.
2. Go to bed
3. Force self out of bed to eat breakfast/get dressed/ etc.
4. Do some last minute cramming for Jazz History test
5. Skip morning e-mail check to study a bit more
6. Drive to school and chase bus to get to class early
7. Get to music building only to read sign saying: "Jazz History Class Cancelled. Exam moved to Monday..."
8. Punch the wall for skipping morning e-mail check.
I hope that was descriptive enough for you. I am now on campus waiting for my next class to begin. I suppose it's alright that I'm up and that I can get some extra reading done. Hurrah! I think I am going home this weekend, but the idea of a rain/snow storm kind of frightens me. What do you think? Will it be nasty up our way? Hope to see you soon, girl.
~Dav. Dame
1. Rapidly finish paper for Women's Lit despite lack of material.
2. Go to bed
3. Force self out of bed to eat breakfast/get dressed/ etc.
4. Do some last minute cramming for Jazz History test
5. Skip morning e-mail check to study a bit more
6. Drive to school and chase bus to get to class early
7. Get to music building only to read sign saying: "Jazz History Class Cancelled. Exam moved to Monday..."
8. Punch the wall for skipping morning e-mail check.
I hope that was descriptive enough for you. I am now on campus waiting for my next class to begin. I suppose it's alright that I'm up and that I can get some extra reading done. Hurrah! I think I am going home this weekend, but the idea of a rain/snow storm kind of frightens me. What do you think? Will it be nasty up our way? Hope to see you soon, girl.
~Dav. Dame
Thursday, February 22, 2007
Too dang long
I'm sorry. I've taken a leave of absense this week. Nearly 5 days without a post! Horrible, horrible.....I see you and Mr. Ben have a blog going as well- very nice.
I'm off to Crystal's house tonight for some painting, singing, playing, laughing, loving, etc. it will be magnificent....I'm pretty sure.
I hope you're inspired by the marvelous weather. I'm inspired by my window.
My week is over- hopefully I'll have time to breathe and catch up.
Do yourself good tonight, doll.
I'm off to Crystal's house tonight for some painting, singing, playing, laughing, loving, etc. it will be magnificent....I'm pretty sure.
I hope you're inspired by the marvelous weather. I'm inspired by my window.
My week is over- hopefully I'll have time to breathe and catch up.
Do yourself good tonight, doll.
Sunday, February 18, 2007
Thanks for the voicemail from the concert. Heavenly. I hope it was super good. I'm sure it was. We had a good small group tonight. We talked about hope. It was excellent. I ate tacos for lunch and dinner. Kind of disappointing, but I don't really get tired of them.
It seems like I haven't seen you much lately. Who did you go to the concert with? I need to get some piano music from you. My piano is collecting dust.
I hope you are feeling that life is exciting and that you are having some adventures. I really like being a part of your life and I hope we can become better friends. I really value our relationship. John Mayer. Nice. Way to go on going to that concert. Bring back a piece of his loveliness for me.
It seems like I haven't seen you much lately. Who did you go to the concert with? I need to get some piano music from you. My piano is collecting dust.
I hope you are feeling that life is exciting and that you are having some adventures. I really like being a part of your life and I hope we can become better friends. I really value our relationship. John Mayer. Nice. Way to go on going to that concert. Bring back a piece of his loveliness for me.
Saturday, February 17, 2007
Dear Girl,
Yes. I guess busy can be considered my plight. I don't know, though. Can I blame the week for moving too quickly? I think that's what I'll do. Will write more later. Just wanted you to know that I'm still alive and reading.
Friday, February 16, 2007
Are you lost?
My Dear Leslie,
It has been nearly three days and I have not heard from you. I'm looking for you now and there is no movement in your home. Are you ok? Are you ill?
I'm guessing you're just busy...which is fine. As I recall, I did have a bout of time when I wasn't writing either. Snap out of it.
I'll be waiting......actually, just doing homework. But you know that involves checking facebook/email/myspace/blogger five times each hour. :)
I love you.
It has been nearly three days and I have not heard from you. I'm looking for you now and there is no movement in your home. Are you ok? Are you ill?
I'm guessing you're just busy...which is fine. As I recall, I did have a bout of time when I wasn't writing either. Snap out of it.
I'll be waiting......actually, just doing homework. But you know that involves checking facebook/email/myspace/blogger five times each hour. :)
I love you.
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
I know. School. Ah well, such is the way of life. I'll tell you what I'm going to do to protest: eat at Burger King tonight between classes. So THERE! That's right.
I have night class until 10 pm.....and a nice break from 5:30 to 6:45.....so I'll have plenty of time to grab a bite. I might even eat in and take a good book to read. Currently, "The History of Love", which is our February book for book group. Feel free to read it and you can come to the discussion group at the end of the month. Do it!
I did get everything done. I was really proud of myself as I laid down to go to sleep last night. Usually, I cop out and say "screw it" to some assignment or another and end up getting a bad grade. But I pushed through and it felt glorious.
Thanks for stopping by last night. It was good to talk. I love you.
My tea is ready and whisteling in the other room. Must go.
I have night class until 10 pm.....and a nice break from 5:30 to 6:45.....so I'll have plenty of time to grab a bite. I might even eat in and take a good book to read. Currently, "The History of Love", which is our February book for book group. Feel free to read it and you can come to the discussion group at the end of the month. Do it!
I did get everything done. I was really proud of myself as I laid down to go to sleep last night. Usually, I cop out and say "screw it" to some assignment or another and end up getting a bad grade. But I pushed through and it felt glorious.
Thanks for stopping by last night. It was good to talk. I love you.
My tea is ready and whisteling in the other room. Must go.
What the crap?
Why did we have school today? I got up late this morning so I was late for class, but not late enough to check if we had school first. We did. Lame. And the weird thing is, everyone is here. I thought all of my classes would be barren. Wrong. Everyone is here and they're like, normal. I'm pissed. I also have to drive across town to work. What if I crash? I don't even know whta to do when you get in a car accident.
How was the rest of your night last night? Did you get your work done? Hope so. I need to go. I'm secretly hoping my teacher won't be there but I know she will. Lame. Have a snowy day. I know you will.
How was the rest of your night last night? Did you get your work done? Hope so. I need to go. I'm secretly hoping my teacher won't be there but I know she will. Lame. Have a snowy day. I know you will.
Monday, February 12, 2007
dem bones, dem bones
Hey girl. I can see your light is on tonight. Mine is too. I'm working at my computer all night- preparing assessments for my little tutor-ee.....
I'm working through the closet. Kind of trying to sort out the crap to give to good will. You know.
Tony is here. They're watching wife swap in the living room. Ha. He's hilarious. You should stop over for a visit if you have time. It's dang cold though, so i understand if you don't want to get out into the blustery night.
I should make you a new mix of music and you should do the same for me. Work on it. I need to be inspired.
I sure do love you.
I'm working through the closet. Kind of trying to sort out the crap to give to good will. You know.
Tony is here. They're watching wife swap in the living room. Ha. He's hilarious. You should stop over for a visit if you have time. It's dang cold though, so i understand if you don't want to get out into the blustery night.
I should make you a new mix of music and you should do the same for me. Work on it. I need to be inspired.
I sure do love you.
Sunday, February 11, 2007
Rattle them bones.
Girl, what sort of skeletons have you been shoving? Call me if you're down. I want to hear it. I had a fun/lazy day. I didn't do much, but I enjoyed it immensely. We had our small group tonight and it was sweet. I love being around great people. Speaking of, it was great to hang out with you yesterday. You need to stop by here again sometime soon. Bring your computer and we can just do some homework, write and chat. Excellent. It is raining tonight and smells so good outside. You should go take a sniff.
Dav. Dame.
Dav. Dame.
Dragged Down
Girl, I know. I've been awful. Haven't written for days. I'm sorry.
Today I'm.........strange. Sad. Confused. I've been shoving skeletons in the closet for months. And they're all going to topple out one of these days.....I'm just waiting.
Bye, now.
Today I'm.........strange. Sad. Confused. I've been shoving skeletons in the closet for months. And they're all going to topple out one of these days.....I'm just waiting.
Bye, now.
Friday, February 9, 2007
D is my brother-in-law, Derek. Obviously. I'm glad you had a good solo night. I'm glad to hear the play was good. I think I might go now (to the play, that is). I went to Yia Yia's tonight and had a great time.
Tonight Larka and I made chocolate chip cookies and listened to good music. I played the piano and attempted to sing, but I sounded like a sick snake. Hissing my way through the song. I made up a handshake with little Taylor today. We are now friends once again. Thanks for the advice, though. I am taking it to heart. Those ragamuffins should not get to me like that! Good nightie night, my dear, dear friend.
Tonight Larka and I made chocolate chip cookies and listened to good music. I played the piano and attempted to sing, but I sounded like a sick snake. Hissing my way through the song. I made up a handshake with little Taylor today. We are now friends once again. Thanks for the advice, though. I am taking it to heart. Those ragamuffins should not get to me like that! Good nightie night, my dear, dear friend.
Thursday, February 8, 2007
a night alone
It's been done. I ate at Vincenzo's and went to a theatre production alone. It was glorious and I laughed harder at the play than I have at any other production. Loved it. Then, I stopped at Scooters and worked on my new piece- I've gained about 4 pages this evening, and it's turning out to be quite good...
I'm tired. And who the heck is "D"?
I'm tired. And who the heck is "D"?
One more thing....
Chilli and corn bread sounds phenomenal. Mmmmmm....maybe I should go to Wendy's before the play I'm attending tonight....they have chilli. No cornbread, though. Perhaps I'll take myself out to some nice restaurant....and sit alone in the corner and watch everyone. I should have brought a journal. Damn. The ONE time I leave it at home....
Still see better fits
That's my friend on the guitar....which I am listening to right now. It's heavenly. And ridiculously enticing.....and might even be considered an aphrodisiac.
I'm trying to figure out what my plot is going to be for my story. I have to have it workshopped in a couple of weeks and I want it to be brilliant. Did I ever send you that one I wrote about the three people from all the different perspectives? Well, I liked that so much, I'd like to mix Lucy in with it somehow....but I'm not sure what that looks like. She could replace the character, Natalie. Or, she could be the best friend that's a little bit strange. However, I really enjoy Lucy and want her to be a dominant character.
I tried to figure it out on my run- but ran for just a bit and moved to the rowing machine, where all I could think about was being on a real lake, or the fact that I was dead tired and couldn't wait to be done. How do you move from that mental state? A shift needs to be made in my cognitive processing....I need to tell myself that I'm fine and I can keep running.....instead of reminding myself how tired I am and how I should stop because I've worked hard already and don't need to keep going.
That's my friend on the guitar....which I am listening to right now. It's heavenly. And ridiculously enticing.....and might even be considered an aphrodisiac.
I'm trying to figure out what my plot is going to be for my story. I have to have it workshopped in a couple of weeks and I want it to be brilliant. Did I ever send you that one I wrote about the three people from all the different perspectives? Well, I liked that so much, I'd like to mix Lucy in with it somehow....but I'm not sure what that looks like. She could replace the character, Natalie. Or, she could be the best friend that's a little bit strange. However, I really enjoy Lucy and want her to be a dominant character.
I tried to figure it out on my run- but ran for just a bit and moved to the rowing machine, where all I could think about was being on a real lake, or the fact that I was dead tired and couldn't wait to be done. How do you move from that mental state? A shift needs to be made in my cognitive processing....I need to tell myself that I'm fine and I can keep running.....instead of reminding myself how tired I am and how I should stop because I've worked hard already and don't need to keep going.
Wednesday, February 7, 2007
A tisket a tasket--a night of tv.
I didn't really watch tv for a good 3 years of my college career. What changed in me? I think there are actually a lot of good shows on now. It is my treat to watch one.
How is Lucy coming along? Sometimes I really do stare at my window in the rain. Actually, every time it rains. You know how I am.
I had chili and cornbread for supper tonight. It was so delicious. I love meals like that. Everything tasted exactly perfect. What are you doing this weekend? I think I keep making plans and then forgetting them. Oh well. I know what I'm doing Friday at least. Babysitting. What a great evening for all. I think I'll bring a movie for them. I am boring tonight. Please accept my deepest apologies.
~Lame Leslie
How is Lucy coming along? Sometimes I really do stare at my window in the rain. Actually, every time it rains. You know how I am.
I had chili and cornbread for supper tonight. It was so delicious. I love meals like that. Everything tasted exactly perfect. What are you doing this weekend? I think I keep making plans and then forgetting them. Oh well. I know what I'm doing Friday at least. Babysitting. What a great evening for all. I think I'll bring a movie for them. I am boring tonight. Please accept my deepest apologies.
~Lame Leslie
Dashing aboard....dashingly a broad brood breed
To have the habit of being "habitually glamorous" would be, in my mind, one of the greatest curses in existence. Maybe if I picked up some "seductive smoking sticks", I would be more in the market for that kind of lifestyle. Perhaps not.
I'm currently at the rec waiting for a friend to come run with me in the cook. He has very long legs; I have very short legs. We'll see how this pans out. He promised to stay with me......I hope he's a man of his word.
I have the rest of the day off- and I am going to complete the following tasks:
1. run
2. nap before showering
3. launder sweaty sheets
4. shower
5. homework with great music and hot tea
6. i'll probably find a snack somewhere in there
If you're free and gazing longingly into my windows, you should pop over. I know it's not as convenient for you to come here as it is for me to go there- seeing as you have to be "let in". The act of "letting one in" being very tedious and annoying. (only kidding).
It just occurred to me that perhaps I should actually go into the cook to see if he is already here waiting- stretching, getting his real work-out in before he has his cool-down with me. :)
I'll write later, love.
I'm currently at the rec waiting for a friend to come run with me in the cook. He has very long legs; I have very short legs. We'll see how this pans out. He promised to stay with me......I hope he's a man of his word.
I have the rest of the day off- and I am going to complete the following tasks:
1. run
2. nap before showering
3. launder sweaty sheets
4. shower
5. homework with great music and hot tea
6. i'll probably find a snack somewhere in there
If you're free and gazing longingly into my windows, you should pop over. I know it's not as convenient for you to come here as it is for me to go there- seeing as you have to be "let in". The act of "letting one in" being very tedious and annoying. (only kidding).
It just occurred to me that perhaps I should actually go into the cook to see if he is already here waiting- stretching, getting his real work-out in before he has his cool-down with me. :)
I'll write later, love.
Tuesday, February 6, 2007
My worst habit?
Well, if you consider being absolutely glamorous a habit, then I'm guilty as charged. No but really. I think I have bad habits of staring off into space, fantasizing about things that will never happen (like today I imagined having a partner to take my psychology test with), or checking my e-mail too often.
I don't think my lover's lover would leave her shoes under the bed. I think a fake eyelash on the pillow would be more convincing. I'm excited to perhaps join this book group. Will everyone accept me? I hope so, I do love books. I'm trying to find more time to read, anyway. Should be good. It's sleep time for me. Hope your lesson plan pans out. Love you and I can't believe you're moving in June,
Dav. Dame
I don't think my lover's lover would leave her shoes under the bed. I think a fake eyelash on the pillow would be more convincing. I'm excited to perhaps join this book group. Will everyone accept me? I hope so, I do love books. I'm trying to find more time to read, anyway. Should be good. It's sleep time for me. Hope your lesson plan pans out. Love you and I can't believe you're moving in June,
Dav. Dame
She's great.....and the box says, "White Trash Cigs" on one side and "Elegant Smoking Sticks" on the other. I'm pretty excited about her.....I think about her a lot when I sit at my window watching your house- as creepy as that sounds.
I've just come from a 13 hour day of classes- not straight, but seriously....thats a freakin' long time. And now, I have to do lesson plans for my class tomorow. CRAAAAAP. Hopefully they don't take too long.
Think about this: your worst habit. What is it? Mine is being ridiculously fabulous. Only kidding. I'll have to contemplate.
Or this: a man or woman who suspects infidelity of their spouse- that stems from an unfamiliar pair of shoes underneath the bed.....oooooh!!!
I've just come from a 13 hour day of classes- not straight, but seriously....thats a freakin' long time. And now, I have to do lesson plans for my class tomorow. CRAAAAAP. Hopefully they don't take too long.
Think about this: your worst habit. What is it? Mine is being ridiculously fabulous. Only kidding. I'll have to contemplate.
Or this: a man or woman who suspects infidelity of their spouse- that stems from an unfamiliar pair of shoes underneath the bed.....oooooh!!!
Monday, February 5, 2007
I slept for 2 hours this afternoon as I am ill. Gross. I am also trying to study for a test (not working). I went to KC this weekend for a girls' retreat. It was quite fun, but it is where I think I became ill. Feel quite tired and gross. Was nice to see you and the girls the other night. Weird that Martha is moving and that Erin is already moved. I think I need to pop my back into place. It's killing me, making studying hard and sitting up straight harder. Better get back, friend.
Your main dame,
Your main dame,
Friday, February 2, 2007
My Dear Damsel,
Please do try to be leery of cigarette shovers. I've heard nothing but negative things about them, which is why you need to steer clear. Consider yourself warned. I, too, find it necessary to weave in and around crowds based on the placement of cigarette smokers. Not to mention, those who have just recently smoked and/or been around a smoker, radiating that blessed faint aroma. Please note that I am referring to the pleasant scent of smoke smell , not the dirty, nasty-stale smell that filthy smokers contribute to society.
I'm a bit bothered by the ridiculously chill air outside. What in the name of Sam Hill is mother nature thinking, giving us 45 mile-an-hour gusts in the midst of weather well below comfortable temperatures? Someone, please tell me.
And why, I ask you, was it necessary for me to forget my wallet at home today? I tell you, I went to blockbuster, I went to the library, I went to S.W. Video, or whatever the heck it's called, and I went to Russ' freakin' market finally to rent some videos. I wanted one new release (Little Miss Sunshine) and one film that came out FIVE years ago (Everything is Illuminated) - and blockbuster still had it on the new release wall. And yes, I asked at the counter if it was still on the new release list. I did NOT want to pay new release price for a movie that came out five years ago. Call me crazy. SO, I said, "forget that!" (actually, I was very kind and said thank-you) and walked out, stopped at the library to pick up a new book "The History of Love- Nicole Krauss) and to check to see if they had the five year old movie to rent. (They did not.) I then drove clear across town, stormed through gusty winds into the next rental facility (SW Video). Here, I found both movies, one new release, one not, and approached the counter, upon which the woman told me I HAD to have my debit or credit card in order to rent a film. *Frustration level steadily increasing by this time* I still didn't have my wallet. Finally, I walked to Russ' Market. They had the new release. They did NOT, however, have the five-year-old film because it's too old and not popular enough. So, in a fit of pissed-off fury, (which I revealed to no one until this moment), I rented the new release, and found a different film, which better be stinkin' good, and I'm home, in my pj's...ready to curl up and watch.
* Exaggerated sigh*
All this to say, watch out for the smokers. You may become addicted.
Much love,
Heather Lea
Please do try to be leery of cigarette shovers. I've heard nothing but negative things about them, which is why you need to steer clear. Consider yourself warned. I, too, find it necessary to weave in and around crowds based on the placement of cigarette smokers. Not to mention, those who have just recently smoked and/or been around a smoker, radiating that blessed faint aroma. Please note that I am referring to the pleasant scent of smoke smell , not the dirty, nasty-stale smell that filthy smokers contribute to society.
I'm a bit bothered by the ridiculously chill air outside. What in the name of Sam Hill is mother nature thinking, giving us 45 mile-an-hour gusts in the midst of weather well below comfortable temperatures? Someone, please tell me.
And why, I ask you, was it necessary for me to forget my wallet at home today? I tell you, I went to blockbuster, I went to the library, I went to S.W. Video, or whatever the heck it's called, and I went to Russ' freakin' market finally to rent some videos. I wanted one new release (Little Miss Sunshine) and one film that came out FIVE years ago (Everything is Illuminated) - and blockbuster still had it on the new release wall. And yes, I asked at the counter if it was still on the new release list. I did NOT want to pay new release price for a movie that came out five years ago. Call me crazy. SO, I said, "forget that!" (actually, I was very kind and said thank-you) and walked out, stopped at the library to pick up a new book "The History of Love- Nicole Krauss) and to check to see if they had the five year old movie to rent. (They did not.) I then drove clear across town, stormed through gusty winds into the next rental facility (SW Video). Here, I found both movies, one new release, one not, and approached the counter, upon which the woman told me I HAD to have my debit or credit card in order to rent a film. *Frustration level steadily increasing by this time* I still didn't have my wallet. Finally, I walked to Russ' Market. They had the new release. They did NOT, however, have the five-year-old film because it's too old and not popular enough. So, in a fit of pissed-off fury, (which I revealed to no one until this moment), I rented the new release, and found a different film, which better be stinkin' good, and I'm home, in my pj's...ready to curl up and watch.
* Exaggerated sigh*
All this to say, watch out for the smokers. You may become addicted.
Much love,
Heather Lea
Thursday, February 1, 2007
Vaaaa-gginnnn---yaaa Slims.
Yes, the spelling kind of does throw you for a loop. I did my hair all awesome and voluminous today. It lasted for like 5 seconds. When am I going to get long luxurious locks like you? I've been waiting for weeks.
I know that if I did start to smoke, I'd be in trouble. I'd be addicted in one second. That's why I watch where I'm going just in case someone shoves one in my mouth as I'm walking past. That's one of my biggest fears. Damn cigarette shovers.
I know that if I did start to smoke, I'd be in trouble. I'd be addicted in one second. That's why I watch where I'm going just in case someone shoves one in my mouth as I'm walking past. That's one of my biggest fears. Damn cigarette shovers.
Just had a hard convo with Ben. Why does everything have to be so bad? I hate being a bad guy. I guess you just have to be sometimes. I don't know what to do. Am late for work.
Confused and repulsed by self,
Confused and repulsed by self,
Lame-o Schlame-o
I know, I know....it's taken me a long time. I'm sitting here gazing out of my bedroom window at your empty house. Sad. Usually you're around in the early afternoon.....
Disappointingly, I'm still snot-nosed. Dang. Equally disappointing is the fact that you still have some packs of virginia slims- stale and putrid, waiting to be smoked. "Oh my gawd, honey, i've had the worst day....i need a virgina slim..." Strangly enough, I tried to write "virginia" phonetically in a broolkyn accent, replacing the 'ir' with an 'a'....like "va-gin-ya".....ya know, but it didn't turn out as i had hopped, and there are other words that are also spelled with an 'a' in place of the 'ir'.....words which i will not spell at this point.
It's a good thing you don't really have some packs still leftover. It's also a good thing that neither one of us actually smoke.
I think i'm going to try to get some homework done quickly before i go to class. have a wonderful day, doll. I'll be home around 5:45.....and i think cale, erin and i are going to listen to jazz at pear's. you're invited, if you want to go.
And as far as you not "fitting in", that's bullshit. Period.
Disappointingly, I'm still snot-nosed. Dang. Equally disappointing is the fact that you still have some packs of virginia slims- stale and putrid, waiting to be smoked. "Oh my gawd, honey, i've had the worst day....i need a virgina slim..." Strangly enough, I tried to write "virginia" phonetically in a broolkyn accent, replacing the 'ir' with an 'a'....like "va-gin-ya".....ya know, but it didn't turn out as i had hopped, and there are other words that are also spelled with an 'a' in place of the 'ir'.....words which i will not spell at this point.
It's a good thing you don't really have some packs still leftover. It's also a good thing that neither one of us actually smoke.
I think i'm going to try to get some homework done quickly before i go to class. have a wonderful day, doll. I'll be home around 5:45.....and i think cale, erin and i are going to listen to jazz at pear's. you're invited, if you want to go.
And as far as you not "fitting in", that's bullshit. Period.
In response to Kleenex emergency--
Well, at least you are actively pursuing an act of triumphant accomplishment. Homework, obviously. One of these nights we are going to watch Bridget and laugh forever. Remember when we saw it in the theatre? We were like the only ones there and laughed hysterically. It was not so hysterical when I rented Bridget number one when I was in high school and the concentration of the f-bomb was too high for my parents to handle. Fortunately, they have shaped up since then.
The concentration of attractive men at your birthday party was extraordinarily high. Also, the concentration of females with sweeping bangs and exceptional singing voices was also above the average marks. What a wonderful group of exceptional people you know. Unfortunately, I fit into none of the aforementioned categories as I am not male, have bangs that are straight and not swooping, and my voice is only "slightly above average." Don't worry, though, I'm not upset about these factors, I am merely stating that I was not "part of the crowd." I am off to bed now. Good luck with your paper. I would stick with shoving the Kleenex up your nose. It probably saves at least 10 minutes and hour of blowing/wiping time.
The concentration of attractive men at your birthday party was extraordinarily high. Also, the concentration of females with sweeping bangs and exceptional singing voices was also above the average marks. What a wonderful group of exceptional people you know. Unfortunately, I fit into none of the aforementioned categories as I am not male, have bangs that are straight and not swooping, and my voice is only "slightly above average." Don't worry, though, I'm not upset about these factors, I am merely stating that I was not "part of the crowd." I am off to bed now. Good luck with your paper. I would stick with shoving the Kleenex up your nose. It probably saves at least 10 minutes and hour of blowing/wiping time.
Wednesday, January 31, 2007
Color Lithograph
Tonight, in my season of disease and snot-nosed sickness, I realized that I have a "minimum of 4 pages" paper on a piece of artwork that I observed last week.....due tomorow at 2 pm. Craaaaaap.
So now, I'm covered in a pile of papers and 3-ring binders (still!), and now attempting to decipher my journal sketches and notes from the gallery to turn them into a 4-page paper. Sweet.
And THIS is what I look like.
Disgustingly yours,
heather lea
So now, I'm covered in a pile of papers and 3-ring binders (still!), and now attempting to decipher my journal sketches and notes from the gallery to turn them into a 4-page paper. Sweet.
And THIS is what I look like.

heather lea
Freak on a leash...
Indeed, that picture is freakalicious. Maybe we should make a new one. Like a formal, Wal-Mart photo center sort of look. I think that would be good. I really do have work I could catch up on tonight, but I feel more like browsing disposable clothing websites such as Forever 21 (by disposable, I don't mean clothes you can throw away, but rather clothes that you know won't last you too long). I think I'm going to try to save up for some sweet stuff to get in Chicago. Megan and I have a Chicago book in our bathroom to look at while...well...you know what I'm getting at.
I think I'm going to read or something. I just went outside and slipped on the ice. Way to go me.
I think I'm going to read or something. I just went outside and slipped on the ice. Way to go me.
Mug Shot

My Dear Dame,
Upon investigation, I was unable to post a permanent photo. I will find a way....but for now, here is a great shot.
My nose is stuffy and horrible and i feel like a balloon-face, whatever the heck that is. My couch, or rather, davenport, is chock-a-buck full of 3-ring binders and text books. I really must get back to work.
I love you more than the toast crumbs that reside on my plate. (Obviously, or I would have stuck them to my fingertip and eaten them....)
Heather Lea
Hey there girl,
This is going to be such a sweet way of talking when we can't talk. We could just talk or not talk for hours.
This is going to be such a sweet way of talking when we can't talk. We could just talk or not talk for hours.
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