Sunday, September 2, 2007

in the news

Dame, you'll be happy to hear that this morning on the news the weather man said, "If you're headed up to Sheboygan this weekend...." I was pretty excited....thought of you immediately.

It needs to be said: Wisconsin misses you.

In other news, Martha, yes, the ingredients are all strange and you have to buy them all new. In addition, you don't use much of most of them so you'll have them in your pantry for months/years to come. Bread baking will never be the same. If you do find a cinnamon raison swirl recipe, be sure to send it my way, as I've been dreaming of making it for months.

Can I tell you a secret? You can make muffins in the microwave! My aunt makes this big batch of muffin mix and keeps it in the fridge. Then, in the morning when we're getting ready, we pour a little in a microwave-safe dish and cook it for 1 minute. Fresh muffins any time of day! It's nice because we're not always getting ready at the same time....And the great thing about these is that they're relatively healthy, so they won't encourage muffin tops!

Dame, thanks for coming to my party and for the wonderful card. I was so glad to see you one more time before I left. And guess what! My pedicure is still good. It's starting to grow out a bit and I have a chip or two, so I don't be able to keep them much longer. But I think of you every time I see my toes.....which is more than one time a day. :)

Hope you're doing well. Let me know how things are. I miss you.

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