Friday, March 30, 2007

let me know that you hear me, let that be enough.

A week and a half. Over that. I'm not even going to comment on my behavior- because I know it's understood that it's unacceptable. Sorry.

In other news, I'm home. All day. And loving it. Are you working late tonight? Would you like to attend a play with me? I think it starts at 7 or 7:30.....I'll go either way, but thought it'd be fun if you came along. My teacher said it has some vulgarity in it- so I must be careful about who I ask to go... and you're it.

There's a strange sort of bug crawling up my screen- I can't tell if he's trying to get in or out. Poor little bloke.

I think it's important that I write more. More poetry, maybe. And it's equally important that you're writing things down like, "homeless man on street in chicago: I see you, covergirl...." or something to that effect. Those moments are priceless. You hear me? Priceless.

I had such a strange dream last, this morning/early afternoon. Small bits keep popping up in my mind, and I am becoming more and more disturbed with each flashback.

You know, my friends Scott and Carissa have some sort of way to tell who the post is written by at the beginning- I wonder if people are ever confused. Maybe no one even notices.....I know of maybe 2 or 3 people from my side that actually read this. I haven't told many about it, but I suppose there's a link on my blog. What do you tihnk? Do I need to fix that?

I'm going to start some laundry. I hope you have a great day with those little rug-rats. Give 'em a kick in the pants if they don't behave for you. Tell their parents I said it was ok.


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