Tuesday, May 26, 2009

It's like the good ole' days!

The good ole' days when I was home sick from school!  I goat sick over this weekend and it's crazy!  It's been one of those days when you just lay on the couch, watch TV and feel like CRAP!  

It's so cool that you have your house!  I can't wait to see some pictures!  I'm sure you are very busy cleaning, unpacking, arranging, and doing all the things you want to do with your new home!  Hooray!  I am so excited for you.  If you want to check out a cool blog about home owning, check out thisyounghouse.com.  I am totally addicted.  Maybe you've already read it.

Do you have more school left?  We are done, but this darn sickness is keeping me from enjoying my break!  Are you working this summer?  Are you going to get to do lots of "homey" things!  It's very exciting, indeed!  

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Burnin' with the Homies.

Today I worked at the district track meet here in Auburn.   It wasn't too bad, but standing for four hours was a little more tiring than I thought.  I worked the long and triple jump.  Not too bad, considering.  I'm just really glad that I didn't get yelled at by any coaches.  I was really actually nervous that that would happen.  Fortunately, I think I looked stupid enough out there that they realized it would be pointless to try to stop and talk to me about anything of consequence.  

I saw you called yesterday.  I don't know what I was doing at that time.  Probably working out.  I'm totally into Turbo Jam lately.  If you don't recognize the name, I'm sure you'll recognize this:
Yes, indeedy, you have probably seen the info-mercial.  Contrary to popular belief, this one ain't lyin'!  At least I think so.

Tonight I am going to the movie 17 Again.  I know, I know, what am I thinking?  Here's what I'm thinking.  Zac Efron is a cutie pie.  There's no doubt about it.  Also, free movies are part of my lease.  Ya damn right, dame!  Free.  

So, I thought I'd check it out as well as enjoy a popcorn and maybe a soft drink-type beverage.  The seats at our theater have springs that kind of like to pop out in extreme places, but I have a fondness for it.  Kind of art deco meets cinema paradiso meets redneck-ville, USA.  How moving, don't you think?  

Well, I had better get going.  Got to beautify myself (aka put shoes on) for the movie!

Love ya like a popsicle after the swimming pool,

Dav. Dame

Thursday, May 7, 2009


One of my boys was OFF. THE. WALL. today. I found out that he had Mt. Dew for breakfast. Super. Needless to say, it was a busy day with him.

A very cute old man was just here spraying for bugs in our apartment. What made him even cuter was that he had gone to the eye doctor today and had his eyes dilated. He was a bit embarrassed about his black glasses and even tipped them up to have me look at his eyes. Good grief!

Sorry so short. I have to run again. Thanks for the movie info. Love it. :)


Lurve the davenport photo.  Thanks for changing that thing that was incredibly outdated!  If you noticed, I changed a few things myself.  I knew it would only be a matter of time before you were back.  

I am home sick today.  Not sick enough to stop me from trying to clean my entire a
partment, though.  I'm not even close to being done, but I thought I had better stop.

So today's movie was The Grocer's Son.  I would tell you more about the actors if I hadn't already taken it back.  It was a French film and was very nice, indeed.  Not to mention the fact that the lead was dashingly handsome.  His name being Antoine was the icing on the cake.  I have suddenly become a fan of that name.  

Anyway, the movie was about a twenty-something guy named Antoine whose father suddenly suffers a stroke.  It is obvious in the beginning that Antoine is not particularly nice or close to anyone in his family.  We do find out that he has a hospitable neighbor named Claire who he likes but can't seem to ask out.  

Eventually, he convinces Claire to join him in his hometown where he is helping his mom out at the family grocery store.  He drives a van full of dry goods to deliver to the elderly folks in the country.  It turns out they don't like him too much.  It is up to Claire to soften him up and bring out his generous side.  As the film goes on, we find out a bit more about the family dynamics and a possible romance between Claire and Antoine.  V. good.  I really enjoyed it.  

Well, best get back to the cleaning rituals.  Glad you have you back!

Davenport Dame

Wednesday, May 6, 2009


Girl. I broke into your account and added myself as an admin. Thank you. Thank you very much.

Ahhh...it's SO GOOD to be back! I feel like I've just been invited back to an awesome party that I forgot I was missing out on. Woot woot!

Anyway, LOST is on- I'm hooked. Godda go.

Just so you know, I'm back. And I'm wearing black. :)

Well, well, well, if it hasn't been two years already!

It just so happens that we have had this blog fo' a looong time!  We really wrote a lot back in the day.

Today school was actually pretty fun.  We are doing a mythology unit and surprisingly--the kids like it.  At least some of them do, which is saying something. The kids are doing a project next week where they are assigned a god and then they have to speak for 3-5 minutes as that god, complete with costume.  I think it's gonna be great!  Can't wait to see what they come up with.  I hope I am surprised.  In a good way.  If I could choose a god to be I would be Hephaestus.  He's all full of intrigue and he's the only ugly god.  I think I could pull that off.

Just for the record, I wanna give a shout out to my friend David.  He is being deployed in not too long.  And he will be missed.  Take care, my friend, and be safe.  If you have internet access and a cd player, I will send you a CD.  It will be inspirational!  Megan will give me your info.  

In other news, it is nice out.  That is all.


Monday, May 4, 2009

East of Eden Intrigue

I am truly enjoying this East of Eden business.  Tonight I read a bunch of it while I was on a walk.  V. good.  

I am really loving the library in Auburn.  It's really nice--they have a good selection of books.  Not that I would know, though.  I actually don't get books there.  I get either magazines or movies.  So much for being an English teacher!  

This weekend I watched the movie The Reader


HIghly interesting.  Kate Winslet was really good in it.  I also really liked the young version of the main character.  The movie was very emotional and dealt more with the Holocaust than I assumed.  I was really drawn in by it, though.

For a bit of a summary, the movie is about a young boy who gets ill on the street on the way home from school.  As he is throwing up on the street, a woman (Winslet) helps him out and takes him home.  After this incident, they become lovers and spend every afternoon together.  Each day the boy reads his school books aloud to her which she enjoys.  Eventually the two split.  Later on, we find the boy in law school.  His class is visiting the courtroom during the Holocaust trials.  As it turns out, his former lover has been accused of crimes related to the Holocaust.  

He knows some hidden truths that might help her case, but fails to report them.  As the story goes on, we see how she lives in prison, and how the boy stays involved with her.  

Although this movie was interesting, it left me questioning the boy.  Why didn't he tell?  Perhaps he was ashamed to have associated so closely with someone who committed such crimes.  Perhaps he cared about her so much that he wanted to protect her secrets for her.  In any case it was an interesting, thoughtful, and emotional movie.  Check it out.

I like movies.