Tuesday, August 7, 2007


Thanks for the recipe. Yummy. YOu don't put the bread in pans, right? You just form it into a "rustic loaf"? Did you have a lovely weekend with the Michigans? I just got done eating a delicious square of dark chocolate. Yesterday Amber and I ran into each other and went on a walk. Then we had some slush and watched "The Notebook." Today we laid out in the sun until it started sprinkling. It was fun. She and I haven't hung out in ages. Crazy. We also saw Matt but apparently he had to go lift. Lame. Gotta go. I'm helping Ben write a cover letter~!

D to the A-M-E.

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Quite Quick

Lets be quite quick, please. (name that movie)......your dress is cute. hope tennis goes well tonight. sorry we didn't get to bake the bread.....sad. i'll send you the recipe. In fact, here it is:


* 2 tablespoons active dry yeast
* 1 teaspoon white sugar
* 1/2 cup warm waterå
* 3 1/2 cups warm water
* 1/4 cup honey
* 1/4 cup molasses
* 1/2 cup vegetable oil
* 2 eggs
* 2 tablespoons lemon juice
* 7 cups whole wheat flour
* 1/4 cup flax seed
* 1/4 cup cracked wheat
* 1/4 cup sunflower seeds
* 4 teaspoons salt
* 4 cups bread flour


1. In a small bowl, dissolve the yeast and sugar in 1/2 cup warm water. In a large bowl, mix remaining 3 1/2 cups warm water, honey, molasses, oil, eggs and lemon juice. Mix well. Add yeast mixture and stir.
2. Gradually add 5 cups whole wheat flour beating well after each addition. Add the flax, cracked wheat and sunflower seeds, stir well.
3. Let stand for 20 minutes, until mixture is very light. Stir in salt and the rest of the flours until dough pulls away from the sides of the bowl.
4. Knead 10 to 15 minutes until dough is smooth and elastic. Put into a greased bowl and cover, let rise in the oven with light on until doubled, about 1 hour.
5. Punch down and shape into 6 round balls. Cover and let rest for 20 minutes.
6. Form into loaves and let rise covered in oven until doubled. Bake at 375 degrees F (190 degrees C) 25-35 minutes.

Hope that helps- this makes a crap-ton of bread. 4-6 loaves. Good for giving to friends.

Thanks for coming over- you're great. Love you LOTS!

Here I am!

Here I am at your house. I have really enjoyed catching up with you. Sounds like you're talking to some mean guy from UNL right now. Thanks for letting me laze around your house and eat your delicious Mexican Lasagna. I took a couple photos on photobooth. There are two that are sepia toned. If you go back and forth between them, you will see me batting my eyelashes. Quite the modern marvel if you ask me.

Apparently it's too hot to play tennis. Poo poo to that. I guess we're going later. I was so looking forward to it, though! Well, best go.


Hey girl. Just sitting at home watching the television. What not to wear...I wish these people would give ME a $5,000 card to go shopping with.....it would be fun to wear fashionable clothes at all times.....but it's just too dang expensive. Even though I'm a great bargain buyer.....sheish.

I move on the 26th. I'll be in N-town that weekend for my mom's birthday. So.....pencil that in. I gave my notice at work- last day is the 22nd. That's just about 3 weeks...yikes!

You and I need to catch up. "Jeanie needs to find support for her two best friends"....that's what the television says. Anyway, we need to catch up over coffee. Girl, i'm ready for fall. I love the cold weather- the cold fall rain...the smell of everything, the colors.....agh! Can't wait! But lets get that coffee before it gets cold (because then I'll be gone).

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Lamer than lame.

Yeah. It's okay that you missed the call. I would have been the most boring person to talk to ever. "So, Leslie, what are you up to?" you would ask me. I would respond by saying, "Sitting around the house watching every movie I own, reading, painting, practicing piano and NOT enjoying it." Pathetic. I'm doing the things I enjoy, but it's getting to the point where I'm not appreciating them.

Soooooooo. I have a major headache, but I'm listening to the Hairspray soundtrack. Excellent. Great movie. I can't remember if you like musicals or not, but I think you'd enjoy it nonetheless.

Someone is finally home so I am going to suck all the life out of them.

too dang hot

I see you called today. It was really awesome because it was hotter than I'd like it to be today- and my hair was down- (turning into a frizzball with every passing minute) and it kept getting caught in my armpits (which I had forgotten to put deoderant on) and under my purse strap, and I was carrying groceries, and my jeans were falling off, my shirt was riding up......and my phone was buried in the bottom of my purse. After I finally reached it, I had just missed your call. Stupid. After that, I was too irritated to be any fun to talk to....so I didn't answer it for the rest of the night.

How are you? :)