Tuesday, December 11, 2007

I'll be Home for Christmas

Hi Dame. It's snowing like mad here. Schools are cancelled throughout the entire city. We're locked up with sheets of white blanketing the earth and roads. Cars have turned into snowballs and tiny pellets of ice tick, tick, tick on my window pane. On these days, we are forced to slow down; to stop and stay inside. (unless, of course, you are a working professional in an occupation where snow doesn't carry any weight, like my man's job- those people must contine to kick-it no matter what)

In any case, I'm home. I'm warm and I'm reading and making scarves all day while watching the food network. What a day!

How are you? How is your semester wrapping up? I'm counting down the days....9.

Call me soon. I miss you too much.

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