Saturday, October 20, 2007

the top of the world

I feel like I'm there right now. Nate's here this weekend and I'm happy as a clam. (is that what they say?) Life is just....better. There's no question, Dame. It's better with him.

We're into my favorite part of year- and there will be pumpkin carving this afternoon, which will be quite fun, I'm sure. How are you? What's happening in your life? I feel like I haven't talked to you forever. School is good- I only have 3 weeks left at the school I'm in....actually 2 1/2 because we don't have school next Thursday and Friday. So....I'm moving right along. Before you know it, I'll be packed and cruising south and west.....ready for my hug from you.

I think I broke my pinkie in August. I crushed it in a really heavy door at the surgery center in N-town....and it hasn't bent the same since. .....just thought you should know.

Miss you lots, love. Take care.

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