Wednesday, April 11, 2007

privilege plus

I'm sorry to hear you're stressed. School blows. Sometimes. :) I wonder who decided to coin the term "blows" as in "school blows". Probably someone who is the opposite of the person who coined the term "sucks" as in "school sucks" because those two are opposite statements. But actually, quite similar. They both have negative connotations, but "suck" and "blow" mean two completely opposite things. Hmmmm.

In other news, yesterday was "freak-out Tuesday", I think. I freaked out, you were stressed.... maybe it's that mid-week hump that we all need to get over. Or maybe we need to get over ourselves. :)

I'm going to class from 10:30-11:30 but then I'm home all day if you want to come study. I know you have a very busy day, so don't feel obligated. I'll be here either way.

I love you.
-heather lea

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