Tuesday, September 11, 2007



I swear I posted one time in there. It must not have been "published." Lame. Just for everyone's information, I do not wear a double d sized bra, but sometimes it feels like I do. Martha, you probably actually do wear one right now. How does it feel, girl?

My practicum is going okay, but I'm going to have a run-in with the confrontation police soon. I am switching teachers. Whoops. That stinks. I'm really scared to talk to my current teacher about it. I'm sure she'll understand, but I still don't want to do it. She was nice enough to accept me, I should at least carry out my commitment. I'm really excited about the other teacher, though. He teaches Holocaust Literature, which is heavy stuff, but I am quite interested. We'll see what happens there. I also might get to chaperone the class trip to Washington DC to visit the Holocause museum!! Wow.

In other news, I am quite busy at Von Maur. Tomorrow is going to be a helluva day because I have to do practicum and then go to work for 9 hours. Oh great. Well, best sign off and get some things done. I have to babysit in an hour. Talk to you later.

Davenport Dame

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