Tuesday, February 6, 2007


She's great.....and the box says, "White Trash Cigs" on one side and "Elegant Smoking Sticks" on the other. I'm pretty excited about her.....I think about her a lot when I sit at my window watching your house- as creepy as that sounds.

I've just come from a 13 hour day of classes- not straight, but seriously....thats a freakin' long time. And now, I have to do lesson plans for my class tomorow. CRAAAAAP. Hopefully they don't take too long.

Think about this: your worst habit. What is it? Mine is being ridiculously fabulous. Only kidding. I'll have to contemplate.

Or this: a man or woman who suspects infidelity of their spouse- that stems from an unfamiliar pair of shoes underneath the bed.....oooooh!!!

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