Thursday, February 8, 2007

One more thing....

Chilli and corn bread sounds phenomenal. Mmmmmm....maybe I should go to Wendy's before the play I'm attending tonight....they have chilli. No cornbread, though. Perhaps I'll take myself out to some nice restaurant....and sit alone in the corner and watch everyone. I should have brought a journal. Damn. The ONE time I leave it at home....

1 comment:

D said...

More Chili and cornbread? Addiction! And another thing, I seem to remember having the annoyance of letting some one in quite a few times. Anyway, I was at that concert last night and thought you would enjoy the opening band, maybe you've already heard of them, I don't know. Anyway, it's Albert Hammond Jr. He's part of the Strokes, or used to be, not sure. Anyway, you can listen on his MySpace page. I likey.